Quick-Start / Space Console

Review a Department's Vacant Rooms

A common query you will have is to find the vacant rooms for each department. For example, ff a department is expecting to hire new employees, it is helpful to know if this department has vacant rooms in which to house the employees. Similarly, if you suspect that too much space is allocated to a department, you can run this query to see its vacant rooms.


  1. Load the Space Console and choose Space mode.
  2. Set the filter to find vacant rooms for a particular department by selecting Vacant Only? and entering the department.
  3. The system lists the floor plans that have vacant rooms for this department.
  4. Select one or more floor plans from the list.
  5. For each displayed floor plan, the system highlights the vacant rooms for this department.
  6. Move to the Rooms tab, and you can see the details about these vacant rooms. You can also review room information from the drawing by selecting the rooms and choosing View/Edit Selected Rooms.