ARCHIBUS Smart Client
Asset Management / Asset Portal / Furniture

Define Furniture Standards by Floor

Using the Define Furniture Standards by Floor task, you add records for a furniture standards inventory by the floor where the furniture is located.

To define a furniture record using a furniture standard:

  1. Select Define Furniture Standards by Floor.

    The grid displays records for your buildings.

  2. Expand the building to see its floor by clicking the plus sign.

    A new panel shows the floor records for the building.

  3. Expand the floor record to see its associated furniture standards.
  4. Click in the first row to add a record.
  5. Select the following required field.

    Furniture Standard: Select the unique identifier for the furniture standard used on this floor from the list of your defined furniture standards.

    When you select a standard, the program fills in the Building and Floor Codes for the location you have selected.

  6. Enter the following data to further define the furniture standards.

    Room Code: Select the room code for the furniture standard from the list. The list includes all rooms defined for the floor.

    Select a Division Code/Department Code from the lists to indicate the organizational unit the furniture standard is assigned to

    Furniture Status: Select a description to document if the furniture is being used, is in storage, has been sold, requires repair, and so forth.

    Drawing Name: Enter the name of the block that represents the furniture standard that is used to asset insert or populate furniture in drawings. The block you reference can be either a unit block or a full-scale block. Be sure to include the .DWG extension

    Auto-Numbered ID:This field is generated by the program. Furniture standards asset symbols are auto-numbered. When you place a block, the drawing program automatically generates a primary key, creates a record in the Furniture Standards Inventory table for this primary key, links the drawing entity to the new record, and generates asset text.

  7. To save the record, click outside the row.