Asset Management / Asset Portal / Software

Software: Process Overview

Once you develop an inventory of your data equipment, you may want to document the software installed on each machine, as well as the software that each machine can access through the network. This type of information is part of a logical telecommunications inventory in that it documents the services to be provided to users.

For example, you can document the software programs installed on a server machine, which are accessed remotely from client machines. You can also document the desktop software, which is installed locally on a desktop and only used by the desktop.

The process of documenting your software includes the following steps:

  1. Develop standards: Before developing your software license inventory, develop software standards. Although this is an optional step, standards categorize your software, making it easier to track and update information. If you define standards, when adding software license records, you can associate the software with a standard, and you can review your software by the standard it is associated with. See View and Edit Software Standards.
  2. Develop your software license inventory: Use this task to add, edit, or delete software license records. You can add software records for server or desktop machines. See View and Edit Software Information.
  3. View your software by standards: Once you have developed your software license inventory, you can review your standards, and view each equipment item using the software for the standard. See View Software by Standards.