Equipment Table: Field Reference

This topic documents all of the fields of the Equipment table. Note that many of these fields are used by the ARCHIBUS Client/Server applications and are not used in the Web Central applications.



Equipment Code 

The primary key field, which must be completed.

Equip. Standard 

The type of equipment. Validated by the Equipment Standards table.

Equipment Use 

Use this field to document how the equipment item is used.


Use this field to indicate a classification for this piece of equipment. This classification is used in the Condition Assessment application to organize and categorize your data.

Equip Condition 

Choose one of the list box values to describe the condition of the equipment: new, good, fair, or poor.

Equip. Status 

This list field provides several values for documenting how an equipment item is currently being used--is it in storage, being repaired, salvaged, or in use?

Date of Last Status Change

When you change the Equipment Status field, document the date of this change by completing this field with the system date.

Recovery Status 

After an emergency, use this field to record the status of equipment. The default value is "No Status" to indicate that the item has not been affected by an emergency situation. If an emergency occurs, complete this field with the condition of the item after the emergency, such as "Unfit for Use – Recoverable." When you are ready to bring the item back on line, you can change the status to "Fit for Use."

Finally, when the item is back to its original condition and situation, you can return the value to "No Status." Set these values with the "Update Equipment Status" action of the Emergency Preparedness application.

Basic Information



Serial Number 

If the equipment has a serial number, record it in this field.



The location of the equipment. Complete the Building Code, Floor Code, and Room Code fields manually.

Bay Located In/Column Located Near

Complete these fields to further define the equipment's location.

Maint. Manual Storage Location

Use this field to record the location of the equipment service manual.


The organization using the equipment.

Employee Name 

For equipment used by particular employees, such as a PC, enter the name of the employee using the equipment. For production and other equipment that cannot be directly tied to an employee, leave this field blank.

Drawing Name/Drawing Layer/Entity Handle

If you represent the equipment item in a drawing, the system completes these fields with information about the equipment asset symbol.

Date of Manufact. 

The date the equipment was made. The Building Operations domain compares this value to the system date to determine an equipment item's age.

Date Sold 

If you sell this equipment item, complete this field with the sell date.

Document Fields

Spec Sheet Graphic, Wiring Diagram Graphic, Equipment Assembly Graphic, and Lubrication Points Graphic are document fields that can associate documents with the equipment.

Warranty Code 

Use this field to enter the warranty covering this equipment item.

Insurance Policy 

Use this field to enter the policy covering this equipment item.

Life Expectancy

Enter the life expectancy in years. The Equipment Replacement Analysis report uses this data.

Subcomponent of Equipment


If the equipment item is a component of a larger equipment item, enter the top-level equipment item in this field. Top level equipment assemblies should reference their own equipment code in this field. The Equipment Bill of Materials report uses this information to document subcomponent assemblies of equipment items.

Last Survey Update From

When you run the Update Inventory from Survey task of the F&E domain, the program uses this field to document the survey from which the system updated the Equipment table. Validated by the Disposition Surveys table.


Use this numeric field to document the importance of the equipment item. For example, you may want to provide a high rating for production equipment that has an expensive down-time cost.


Operational Information



# of Normal Operating Hours per Day

If you do not want to use the Equipment Schedules table to document the use of equipment, record equipment use in this field. This field is handy for recording use of non-production equipment and production equipment that runs the same hours every day.

Alarm Operating Limit -- Low/High

Use these fields to record the operating condition limits which should not be exceeded under any conditions.

Control Operating Limit -- Low/High

If your equipment includes monitoring sensors, use these fields to record the boundary conditions for normal operation of the parameter being monitored.

Date of Repair/Storage/In-Service

Use these fields to document when the equipment item is repaired, serviced, or stored.

Install Date 

The date the equipment is installed, and the date at which depreciation starts.

In-Service Date Date the equipment was placed in-service, as opposed to the date when the equipment was installed. Entering the In-Service Date for an equipment asset is important as the application uses this date to dynamically calculate the Equipment Age (yrs).

Date of Last Meter Reading/ Last Meter Reading

If you are have implemented meter-based preventive maintenance, manually complete these fields with the same values you enter for the corresponding fields of the Work Requests table.

Meter Units 

Use this field to document the units that the equipment's meter measures use: miles or hours.

Avg. Meter

Use Complete this field with the average use per day so that the program's scheduling routine can determine upcoming preventive maintenance according to meter-based scheduling.

Locked Out?/Tagged Out?

If the equipment needs the control of energy during maintenance, record when the equipment is locked and/or tagged out in these fields.

Number of PM Schedules

The system completes this field with the number of PM schedules assigned to an equipment item.

Mean Time to Repair/Mean Time Between Failures

The Equipment Failure Analysis report calculates these fields to document the effectiveness of the equipment item, and the effectiveness of your maintenance efforts.


Financial Information



P.O. Number 

This field was present in the ARCHIBUS 6.1 program and is provided for 6.1 users stepping up their data to later versions.

Purchase Order Code/P.O. Line Number

These validated fields can be used to document purchase order information. You will first need to develop a list of validated values by completing the Purchase Order and Purchase Order Line Items tables. The default schema does not include views that present these tables; you will need to use the New View command to create views to access the PO and PO_LINE tables.

Purchase Date 

Use this field to document the date you purchase an item. Note that depreciation calculations use the Install Date and not this date to determine depreciation expenses. 

Purchase Price 

The price you paid for the item. Complete this field if you intend to track depreciation.


If you decide to get rid of old equipment but still want to track it in the database, use this field to document that the equipment is salvaged and no longer being used. Note that even if this value is set to Yes, the program's calculation routines act on this equipment item.

Date Salvaged 

If you enter Yes for Salvaged?, complete this field with the date you considered the equipment item salvaged.

Salvage Value 

The salvage value of the item. Complete this field if you intend to track depreciation with the F&E domain.

Property Type 

The property type of the item. Complete this field if you intend to track depreciation with the F&E domain.

Vendor Code 

With the F&E and Building Operations domains, you can develop vendor data. Use this field to document the vendor from whom you purchased this equipment item.

Cost to Replace 

Use this field to document the cost of replacing this item. The Building Operations domain uses this in its Equipment Replacement Analysis report.

Depreciated Value 

This field was present in the ARCHIBUS 6.1 program and is provided for 6.1 users stepping up their data to later versions.

Depreciation Years 

This field was present in the ARCHIBUS 6.1 program and is provided for 6.1 users stepping up their data to later versions.


Telecommunication Information



Client or Server? 

Defines elements that are clients or servers. If an item is neither, complete with N/A.

Hardware Address 

The actual address of the equipment item, usually assigned by the manufacturer.

Hierarchy Level 

Defines the telecom hierarchy level for the equipment item. Hierarchy levels are usually defined for devices by specifying a level for an equipment standard and then assigning a standard to an equipment item. Use this field when you want to overwrite the assigned standard’s hierarchy level.

Is Multiplexing? 

Specifies whether the item is multiplexing and, like telecom hierarchy levels above, overwrites the assigned equipment standard’s multiplexing status.

Telecom Area Lev 

Specifies the telecom area level for the item and overwrites the assigned equipment standard’s telecom area level.

Telecom Service Type

Specifies the telecom service type for the item and overwrites the assigned equipment standard’s service type.

Net Segment Code 

The subnet or net segment on which the equipment resides. This is validated by the Net Segments table.

Network Address 

The address that the network uses for this equipment item.

Network IP Address 

The IP (Internet Protocol) address for the equipment item.

Network Card Type

The type of card (Ethernet, Token Ring, etc.) the device has.

Network Node Name 

The name by which this equipment is referenced in the network.

Operating System 

The equipment’s operating system.

Rack Number 

Use racks to precisely document the location of an equipment item within a room. Validated by the Racks table.

Subnet Mask 

If the equipment item is part of a net segment (subnet), and your site uses subnet masks, use this field to record the equipment’s subnet mask. All equipment items belonging to the same network segment should have the same value for this field. (In the IP addressing schema, a subnet mask is a set of bits whose values are used to more easily identify a network segment.)