Developing Locations (Sites, Buildings, Floors)

The first few levels of the ARCHIBUS space hierarchy are Sites, Buildings, and Floors. Space is typically organized by sites, which house buildings, which in turn house floors, which in turn can house groups or rooms. This topic discusses how to develop the first few levels of the space hierarchy.

With these tasks, you can enter new data or edit existing data. When editing existing data, you can use the filter console, located at the top of the view, to limit the display of the locations to only those containing the value you enter in the filter console. For information on the filter console, see Using Filter Consoles

The Define Locations tasks use a drill-down selection list to present the levels of location data. For information on working with this, see Using Drill-Down Selection Lists.

Note: This topic provides general information on developing the space hierarchy. Help topics for several applications that require this background data may link to this topic. The specific fields to complete and Process Navigator tasks may vary for each applications.

Step 1: Develop Sites (Optional)

Sites group together multiple buildings located in a contiguous area, such as a Market Street site that contains three office buildings. If your company wants to report on and organize space inventory according to a buildings located in the same area, you will want to develop sites. If you do not have multiple buildings located in the same area, you likely will not need the site level of the space hierarchy.

To define your sites:

  1. In the Process Navigator, choose the Define Locations task. Or, from the Quick-Start home page, select Define Locations from the Building Operations Background Data section of the page.
  2. If necessary, review the existing sites by using the restriction console and tree hierarchy to view the list of sites.
  3. Click the Add New button and in the resulting pop-up dialog, choose Site.
  4. In the right pane, complete the following site information:
  1. Click Save in the upper right corner to save your data.

Step 2: Develop Buildings

To develop your buildings information:

  1. In the Process Navigator, choose the Define Locations task. Or, from the Quick-Start home page, select Define Locations from the Building Operations Background Data section of the page.
  2. If necessary, review the existing buildings using the restriction console and tree hierarchy .
  3. In the tree view in the left pane, select the site in which this building is located. If you are not tracking sites, choose "No Site."
  4. Click the Add New button and in the resulting pop-up dialog, choose Building.
  5. In the right pane, complete the following fields:

You may want to represent your buildings with asset symbols on a site plan (or campus plan), This is particularly useful for working with the Space Book mobile app. For information, see Draw Buildings on a Site Plan.

Step 3: Develop Floors 

Floors are identified by the values of the Building Code field plus the Floor Code field, such as JFK-01 for floor 01 in building JFK.

To develop your floor information:

If you want to depict your floor in a CAD drawing, see Draw Gross Areas (Space Inventory & Performance).

Step 4: Develop Rooms

For information, see Developing Locations (Rooms)