Highlight Buildings and Rooms with Issues of ...
Highlight Buildings and Rooms with Issues of ...
If you have developed site (or property) plans depicting your buildings, you can highlight on these plans the buildings with condition and sustainability issues. Likewise, if you have developed floor plan drawings, you can highlight rooms with condition and sustainability issues.
Highlighting the areas of your facility that have issues is useful since problem areas located near one another may indicate a larger problems. For example, if buildings in the same area have similar condition issues, perhaps there is a drainage or other issues on the property that needs to be addressed. Perhaps rooms in the same area of the floor all have sustainability issues, indicating that there may be a larger underlying maintenance issue causing these problems.
If your staff addressing these issues is unfamiliar with locations, you may wish to print out these reports and supply them to your maintenance staff.They can use these reports to graphically see where problem areas are located.
To use these reports, drill down through tree of projects, sites, buildings, and floors. When drilling down, you can select a site; if a site drawing has been developed, the system highlights the buildings needing attention. Similarly, drill down and select a floor, and if a floor drawing has been developed, the system highlights the rooms needing attention. In addition to the plan drawing, the reports list details about the assessment items for the selected locations.
As you are drilling down, you will notice that the system indicates the number of items at this level that need attention by placing the number in parentheses. For example, the system might list in the drill down list "(4)" for project Test, indicating that there are four items in this project that need attention. The system can display only those assessment items that have all geographical information defined; for example, site and building and -- if the assessment is assigned to a room -- a room value. This can cause the drill down to indicate that there are more issue than you can access. For example, the drill down text indicates that there are 4 items for a project that need attention, but as you drill down, you can access only 2 items. This is because the other 2 items did not have the complete geographical hierarchy defined for them.
See Also