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Environmental & Risk Management / Clean Building / Environmental Hazard Manager
Complete and Verify Hazmat Assessment Items
After abatement workers have finished the job, you must verify that work has been done properly and that it completely addresses the problem. This might involve:
- Field assessors visit the field to verify the response actions, perform air monitoring (if necessary), and confirm that the hazard no longer exists.
- An inspector may re-inspect the area to ensure that no hazard remains. They may take random samples to verify that the hazardous substance has been abated.
As an environmental hazard manager, you need to update the system with these final steps and document that the issue has been addressed.
- After work for a hazmat assessment item has been completed, set the Hazard Status to Completed.
- If you are using the Buildings Operations/On Demand application to manage the execution of the work, when you close out the work order, the system will not automatically update the Hazard Status of the originating assessment item to Completed. You must set this manually because Hazard Status codes are user-defined and may vary for different substances.
- You will also want to complete these fields:
- Date Abated
- Date Completed
- Once abatement work is finished, you usually want to verify it. Practices at your site may dictate that a field assessor or certified inspector re-inspect the area and verify that the area is not longer considered hazardous
- Run the Manage Assessment Items task, set the filter to show items whose Status is Completed.
- For these items, go to the field and verify that work has been completely finished and that no further attention is required. Practices may call for re-sampling selected areas.
- When satisfied with the work, complete these fields:
- Hazard Status -- set to Verified
- Date Verified
When you are completely finished with the hazmat assessment item, set the Hazard Status to Closed.