Environmental & Risk Management / Clean Building / Environmental Hazard Manager

Preparing for Follow Up Assessments and Re-Assessments

Ensuring a clean building free of hazardous substances is not a one-time effort. Assessments need to be periodically performed to ensure that existing known issues do not worsen, as well as to look for new issues. As an environmental hazard manager, you will want to plan for follow-up and re-inspections.

To prepare for a follow-up inspection or re-inspection of an area that has already been inspected, you can use the system's copying feature to generate new assessment items from existing ones. Knowing the results of previous assessments can aid in re-assessment efforts.

When you create new assessment items from existing assessment items, many properties will be the same; however, some fields will need to be updated with information specific to the follow-up assessment. For example, you might have a different assessor, inspector, abatement worker, documents, costs, and dates. It is also important to update the condition and status. Accordingly, the system does not copy the following data when creating new assessment items from existing ones:

Procedure to Copy Assessment Items to a New Project

Follow these general steps to copy assessment items from an existing project to a newly created project:

  1. Create a hazmat project for holding your re-assessment data, and name it appropriately. For example, you may wish to include the date or year in the project title. The project must be for the same hazardous substance as the project from which you will copy records.
  2. Copy assessment items from the current (source) project to the destination project created in step 1. This entails:
  1. To access the project with the newly copied assessment items, select the Select Project tab, and click Select in the row for the project. The Assessments tab shows the copied assessment items in the Hazard Assessment Items tab.
  2. Use this new project and its assessment records for your follow-up inspection. In the blank assessment item fields, record data specific to this assessment. If necessary, you can edit values that were copied from the original assessment item.

See Ongoing Building Monitoring for an example of working with an ongoing project.