Environmental & Risk Management / Clean Building / Environmental Hazard Manager

Tracking Assessment Item History

Since assessing an area for hazardous material is vital to the maintenance of your building and providing a safe working environment, you may need to access a history of previous assessments. For example:

To create a historical record of a particular area that you assess, you need to copy the assessment items from the current project to another project. For example, for a particular room, you can copy the assessment item record to a new project. Then, you use the Assessment History tab to see all assessment projects that have assessment items for this room.

To review the complete history of an area, review the Assessment History tab. You can examine how the condition, status, and so forth changed over time by looking at each assessment item sorted by the Date Assessed field.


Follow these general steps:

  1. Create a hazmat project for holding your data, and name it appropriately. For example, you may wish to include the date or year in the project title. The project must be for the same hazardous substance as the project from which you will copy records.
  2. At the designated interval, copy assessment items from the current (source) project to this destination project. This entails:
  1. In the Manage Hazard Assessment Items task, select an assessment item, and move to the Assessment History tab. The system shows you all related assessment items made before or after the selected assessment item. The system sorts the assessment items by Date Assessed.
  2. Use the DOC button to print out this history so that you can supply it to a field assessor or inspector to use in the field.

Note: You may be wondering how the program links assessment item records into a history. When the program creates a new record by copying, it generates a new value for the Item ID field, which is displayed in the grid. Thus, assessment items for a particular area will show a different value for this field.

However, the table also has an assessment_id field (which is hidden from view) and which links together assessment items from different projects into a history. The assessment_id field of all assessment items descended from the same original assessment item (via copying to other projects) have the same value -- the value of activity_log_id of the original assessment item.