Commissioning project closeout is a defined process for documenting commissioning system performance, so that the documentation can be verified and approved. A typical process would have the commissioning agent submit the turnover commissioning record documentation for review. The Project Manager then reviews and approves the submission of the closeout commissioning record.
Commissioning agents develop documentation throughout the project and turn this documentation over before substantial completion. Commissioning documentation turned over at this stage of the project is a result of a well -thought-out documentation plan with the information being collected throughout all of the project phases
The Commissioning Project Closeout task walks project managers, commissioning agents, and building occupants through the close-out process by showing work packages color-coded by their degree of completeness. This report enables you to evaluate projects that are completed and those that are behind. You can see at glance whether or not the work package has the documents entered, approved, and verified. You can drill down to see the actions for a work package color-coded by their degree of completeness to determine which actions are holding the project up. The commissioning agent can update information for both work packages and actions, entering information for the work package’s completion. The owner or the owner's representative can approve that the work package's documentation is complete. The project manager can verify the completion.
The report uses the following highlighting:
This topic includes the following sections:
To facilitate coordination of drawings, the general contractor provides redline as-built drawings, System (O&M) manuals, a training plan, Certificate of Occupancy, commissioning testing and performance results, and a warranty review.See Documentation Turned Over at Close-Out for a list of all the documents that might be included in your process.
As submittals for products and materials are received from contractors, copies of submittals critical to the commissioning process are awarded to the Commissioning Agent. Typically, the Commissioning Agent reviews the following types of submittals: coordination drawings, redline as-builts, product data and key operations data submittals, systems manuals, and training plans.
The Commissioning Project Close-Out report walks the Project Manager and building occupant through the required review of the commissioning project close-out documentation. The Project Manager can verify that the documentation has been submitted, reviewed, and approved.
The following table outlines the typical commissioning documentation required for project close-out, listed by the project phase in which the document is developed, and the role that develops or provides the document. You can create actions for these documents using the Action Type field to designate the type of document. See Adding Actions for Commissioning Documents. Adding these actions is typically done during the Design phases, so that you can track the documents as the project progresses.
Document | Phase Originated | Developed/Provided By |
Commissioning Plan | Planning | Project Manager |
Commissioning Plan Appendices: | ||
Planning | Project Manager | |
Design | Architect/Engineer | |
Design | Architect/Engineer / Commissioning Agent |
Design | Commissioning Agent | |
Design | Commissioning Agent | |
Construction | Commissioning Agent | |
Construction | Commissioning Agent /Construction Contractor | |
Construction | Commissioning Agent |
Construction | Commissioning Agent |
Construction | Commissioning Agent /Construction Contractor | |
Construction | Commissioning Agent | |
Construction | Commissioning Agent /Construction Contractor | |
Construction | Commissioning Agent | |
Recommissioning Management Manual | Construction | Commissioning Agent / Project Manager |
To edit the work package status:
The Commissioning Project Status by Work Package report shows summary information for all commissioning work packages. The color-coding indicates how close the project is to completion. You can restrict the view to show a specific project or work package.
The Edit Work Package Project Status form appears.
The Construction Project Manager enters the following information:
Work Package % Complete: The percentage complete for the work package.
CX Documentation % Complete: The percentage complete for the required documentation for this work package.
CX Documentation Provided By: Select the vendor who is the commissioning agent.
Date CX Docs Provided: Enter the date the commissioning agent has submitted the documentation for review.
CX Documentation Verified By: Enter the Design Professional (Architect/Engineer) who verified the documentation.
Date CX Docs Verified: Enter the date the Design Professional (Architect/Engineer) reviewed and verified the documentation.
CX Documentation Approved By: Enter the name of the building owner, or the building owner's representative
Date CX Docs Approved: Enter the date the building owner approved the documentation.
The Commissioning Project Status by Work Package report is updated to reflect the changes you have made.
To review action status for a work package:
The Action Types tab shows the total count of action items, the count of action items completed, and the documentation submission percent complete by action item type. The action types are color coded to indicate their degree of completeness.
See Editing Information for Documentation Actions for descriptions of all information you can enter.