Environmental & Risk Management / Compliance Management / Compliance Program Manager

Creating New Notification Templates Based on Existing Templates

Sometimes you might determine that an existing notification template needs minor modifications to make it applicable to a particular program, requirement, or event. In these cases, you can use the Copy As New button to create a new notification template that is based on an existing template.

To create a new notification template based on an existing template:

  1. From the Process Navigator, select one of the following tasks:
    Process Navigator TaskSteps
    Manage Compliance Programs
    1. Select the task.
    2. If needed, use the Filter console to locate the program you want to add notification templates for.
    3. Click Select in the row for the compliance program.

      The Define Compliance Program tab becomes active.

    4. Select the Notification Templates tab.
    1. Select the link for the notification template in the Notification Template Code column.

      The Define Notification Template form shows details for selected template.

    Manage Compliance Requirements
    1. Select the task.
    2. If needed, use the Filter console to locate the requirement you want to add notification templates for.
    3. Click Select in the row for the requirement.

      The Define Requirement tab becomes active.

    4. Select the Notification Templates tab.
    5. Select the link for the notification template in the Notification Template Code column.

      The Define Notification Template form shows details for selected template.

    Managing Notification Templates
    1. Select the task.
    2. If needed, use the Filter console to locate the template you want to base the new template on.
    3. Click Select in the row for the notification template you want to base the new template on.

      The Define Notification Template form shows details for the selected template.

  2. In the Define Notification Template form, click Copy As New.

    The application presents a new form that contains all the values entered for the selected record except for the Primary Code field that is left blank for the new record.

  3. Enter the Notification Template Code, the unique identifier, for the new notification template.
  4. Modify information for the template as needed. See the description of fields for adding a new template to guide your entries.See Adding New Notification Templates for Programs and Requirements.
  5. Click Save.