Environmental & Risk Management / Environmental Health & Safety / EH&S - Background Data

Defining Work Restriction Categories

A work restriction category defines a limitation placed on a worker, often due to an incident or as a consequence of medical monitoring. An example is restricting an employee from working with a particular chemical because they have exhibited an allergic reaction to it. Similarly, an employee may have a temporary work restriction of avoiding heavy lifting for six months after a surgery.

Once the work restriction categories are defined, safety officers can choose from these categories when assigning work restrictions to employees or work categories. By categorizing your work restrictions in this manner, analysts can summarize your site's work restrictions and spot trends, such as a large number of respiration-related work restrictions.

To define a work restriction category:

  1. In the Process Navigator click EH&S Background Data.
  2. Click the Define Work Restriction Categories task.
  3. Click Add New to open the entry form .
  4. In the entry form enter a restriction category code and optional description for the category.

    Typical work restriction codes might include: lifting, standing, respirator, chemical.

  5. Click Save to record your entry in the database.