If a workplace incident involves multiple people, you must create a separate incident for each person involved in the mishap. To do this, you can create an incident for one person and then use the system's copy feature to copy the entered information to a new incident. You can then enter the person for this incident and edit the generated incident record as necessary. The system groups together the related incidents under the Grouped Incident Code field.
For example, if two people were involved in an accident while repairing the boiler, you would enter a record for the first person, enter all location information, enter the boiler equipment, and save the record. You could then use the Copy Incident feature to have the system generate a new record with this same location and equipment information. You can then enter the other affected person in this new record. The two records will have the same value for the Grouped Incident Code field.
Note that is the Incident Code field that stores the unique value for identifying this new record and is the field by which you can enter person-specific information, such as resulting required medical monitoring, work restrictions, or training for this person. The Incident record stores person-specific information; the Grouped Incident Code field is simply a way to connect multiple person-based Incident records. This is important for reporting purposes; reports can group
To create a new incident:
You can also generate a new incident from an existing incident listed in the list of incidents. Select the source incident from the list and then follow the above procedure, beginning with Step 3.
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