Environmental & Risk Management / EH&S / Track

Reschedule Training Programs

When conflicts arise, you will need to reschedule an employee for a required training session. For example, a scheduled training may conflict with an important deadline, or employees want to take vacation at a time when training is scheduled.

When rescheduling training, be aware of any external regulations regarding this training as well as your internal training goals. For example, suppose government regulations, such as OSHA or EPA regulations, require that an employee take a refresher Asbestos Handling training every 12 months; if you reschedule the training so that it occurs 15 months after the preceding training session, you could be in violation of these regulations and subject to fines.

To reschedule training for one or more employees:

  1. In the Process Navigator, select EH&S/ Track / Reschedule Training Program.
  2. In the Filter pane, select a Training Program Code for which you want to reschedule employee assignments. You can further refine the list of training programs by filtering it by Training Type (one-time, refresher, initial, incident-related, etc.) or the date the training is to occur. You can also restrict to a particular employee assigned to this training program by completing the filter's Employee Code field.
  3. Click Show.
  4. The system lists all upcoming training dates for this training program and the employees scheduled for each date.
  5. In the list training instances for employees, select the training instances you want to reschedule for the same date.
  6. Click Reschedule Training Program at the top of the right pane.
  7. In the Reschedule Training Date form, enter a new date for the selected training instances and click Save. When entering a new date, be sure to consider any governing regulations or internal standards concerning the intervals between training sessions.
  8. The system updates the list of Training Program Assignments Details to reflect your change.

To change the date of a scheduled training program for all its assigned employees:

If a scheduled training class cannot occur on its scheduled date, you will need to set a new date. Follow this procedure to update the scheduled training for all employees assigned to this class.

  1. In the Process Navigator, select EH&S/ Track / Reschedule Training Program.
  2. In the Filter pane, select a Training Program Code for which you want to reschedule employee assignments. You can further refine the list of training programs by filtering it by Training Type (one-time, refresher, initial, incident-related, etc.).
  3. In the Filter pane, select the date of the training you want to reschedule.
  4. Click Show.
  5. The system lists all upcoming training dates for this training program and the employees scheduled for each date.

  6. In the list of employees assigned to this training course on this date, select all employees by choosing their check boxes.
  7. Click Reschedule Training Program at the top of the right pane.
  8. In the Reschedule Training Date form, enter a new date for the selected training instances and click Save.
  9. The system updates the list of Training Program Assignments Details to reflect your change.

Note:If the system encounters conflicts when scheduling the training program for the new date, it informs you of the conflict. Follow the suggested actions to resolve the error.

Note: If the NotifyTraining parameter is set to YES in Application Parameter background data, the employee will be sent an email notifying him of the rescheduled training program.