Environmental & Risk Management / Environmental Health & Safety / Work Categories

Assigning Safety Program Requirements to Employees in Bulk Using Work Categories

A work category defines the PPE, training programs , and routine medical monitoring required for a particular type of work. Employees are assigned to one or more work categories and must meet all the training, PPE, and medical monitoring requirements of each work category.

By associating safety program requirements with work categories, you can assign employees to work categories and then assign in bulk all of the work category's requirements to the employee, resulting in a consistent safety program across your site.


  1. Define the types of work (work categories) performed at your site using the EH&S Background Data/Define Work Categories task.
  2. Define the medical monitoring, PPE, and training required for each work category .
  3. Assign work categories to employees.
  4. For an employee, schedule the estimated delivery date of PPE and schedule the dates for medical monitoring and training.

Checking Employee Details

It is easy to check items assigned to an employee. You might do this if you are a safety manager to ensure that an employee assigned to several work categories is not assigned multiple times to a training program common to several categories.

The safety manager can use the "See Existing" buttons of the Track Employee Work Categories task to perform the following tasks. The "See Existing" buttons presents filters so that you can sort and filter the data as needed. For example, once the "See Existing Medical Monitoring" button shows all past and future medical requirements, you can sort or restrict this list by pending vs. completed, routine vs. incident-based, and so forth.

See Also

Methods for Assigning Safety Program Requirements to Employees (Concept)

Scheduling Routine (Concept)