Environmental & Risk Management / Emergency Preparedness / Emergency Response and Recovery Teams

Updating Employee Status

After a workplace emergency has been contained,you’ll need to evaluate the effect of the emergency on your employees; for example, you will want to indicate if an employee is unavailable or temporarily unavailable. With this information entered, managers can assess how to proceed in the recovery process.

To update employee status:

  1. On the Process Navigator, select Update Employee Status.
  2. In the filter at the top of the screen, determine the list of employees that will display in the left panel. To show in the left panel all employees (that can display in memory), choose Show. Or, enter the first few letters of the employee name in the filter panel and choose Show.
  3. In the left panel, choose the employee to update.
  4. In the right panel, select the appropriate status in the Recovery Status field. The system provides various values for the Recovery Status field so that you can track the status of employees through all phases of the recovery process. For example:
  5. Repeat for other employees potentially affected by the emergency.

Note: If you wish to update employees in terms of their assignment to a recovery team, you can run the View the Recovery Team List task.