Capital Project Management / Capital Budgeting

Capital Budgeting Tables

There are a number of ARCHIBUS database tables used when creating a capital budget. As the diagrams below illustrate, the number of tables used varies, based on how you are creating your capital budget.

For information on the processes associated with these tables, see the Capital Budgeting (Overview) topic.

Option A

If you are creating a basic budget, based only on capital programs, the tables displayed below are used to create a capital budget.

database tables for simple use of Capital Budgeting activity

Option B

If you are creating a budget with projects and funding allocations, the tables displayed below are used to create a capital budget. Option B includes all the tables in Option A, as well as additional tables.

database tables used for project and funding features of Capital Budgeting activity

Option C

If you are creating a budget with projects and funding allocations, and will be using project analysis and funding scenarios, the tables displayed below are used to create a capital budget. Option C includes all the tables in Options A and B, as well as additional tables.

database tables used for project, project analysis, and allocate funding features of Capital Budgeting activity