From the ARCHIBUS Smart Client or from Web Central, you can transfer ARCHIBUS data in or out of your databases using comma-separated values (CSV) format, or XLS - Excel XML format. When created from ARCHIBUS, each of these file formats contains portions of the ARCHIBUS schema information, so that you can quickly generate, transfer, and read in data changes, even when working from remote sites. ARCHIBUS applies the same data integrity rules to imported data, so that your project database remains consistent. Each extract file can include one table.
Data transfer is used by the Move Management, Condition Assessment, and the Localization applications. You can invoke data transfer from Data action buttons if your system integrator customizes views to include this action. You can see a sample view at Technologies/System Integrator Views/Parts for Reports/Report with DOC, PDF, Excel, and Data Transfer actions.
From Web Central, to help you track changes and fix errors, the Data Transfer feature includes Comparison reports that compare the data in the database to the data in the import file by generating insert, update, and error logs. You can generate Comparison reports before importing data; since no other changes are made to the database, these Comparison reports are useful for reviewing changes before you apply them to your data set. See Comparison Reports.
For certain tables, you can also track the files that are written using the Data Transfer Status field. See The Data Transfer Status Field.
You transfer data and generate Comparison reports using the Data Transfer Wizard. See Data Transfer Wizard.
Note: If you have exported your data to CSV format and then worked with the CSV file in Excel, you might encounter issues when importing the files back into ARCHIBUS. See Working with CSV Files in Excel.
Note: If you are transferring a large amount of data, consider turning your system for performance. Increasing memory, in particular, can have a significant effect on the rate at which Data Transfer processes your data.
Data Transfer is used in the following applications:
Note: Data Transfer from Move Management does not include comparison reports or export to CSV format.
Some of the typical uses of the Data transfer feature invoked from Data action buttons include the following:
From Web Central, data transfer is invoked from Data button, included on some views.
From the Smart Client, data transfer is invoked by selecting the View/Transfer command from the Ribbon.
You can transfer data from a local file that you have updated, or you can transfer files from a server without loading the files to your local drive. The following describes the data transfer process when you edit a file locally:
ARCHIBUS supports the following formats for data transfer:
Excel (XLS) - Excel XML Format: The first two rows of the XLS file are commented lines. The first row contains the table name, for example, # Data Transfer Results for Table 'rm'. The second row contains the schema header information, for example, rm.bl_id, rm.fl_id, rm. rm_id.
Comma-separated values (CSV) format: CSV is a popular format for exchanging spreadsheets.
CSV uses the following rules:
ARCHIBUS adds the following rules when generating CSV files:
See Preparing the Import File.
To use the Transfer In action, you must belong to a security group that has the right to bulk edit data (userGroupAllowedEditInBulk). By default, this is specified by membership in the PROCESS OWNER security group.
You can edit these permissions in the preferences-per-site.xml file found in under WEB-INF\config.
The following excerpt from the preferences-persite.xml file shows the editInBulk assignment to the Process Owner role.
<util:map id="securityGroups">
<entry key="editCanonicViews" value="SYS-USRMGR"/>
<entry key="editAnalysisViews" value="SYS-USRMGR"/>
<entry key="editInBulk" value="PROCESS OWNER"/>
<entry key="alterSchema" value="SYS"/>
The Transfer Out action does not require membership in a security group.
If there is a Data Transfer Status field in the table that will hold the import data, the program updates the value of that field with the status of each record. The Data Transfer Status field provides the final data transfer status for each record for the import. You can filter on this Data Transfer Status field to see the records that were newly added, updated, or missing in the transfer.
In V.19.1-and-later databases, the Rooms table and all of the “afm_” system tables have a Data Transfer Status field.
Note: If you generate Comparison reports without importing data (Compare action from the Data Transfer Wizard) , the Data Transfer Status field is not updated, as this field is only updated when an import is processed.
The following describes the possible values for the Data Transfer Status values:
Files, such as paginated reports, data transfer files, and data transfer log files (Comparison reports) remain on the server until they are deleted by the PerUserFileExpirations application parameter edited via the System Administration / ARCHIBUS System Administration / Business Process Owner / Edit Application Parameters view. The application parameter is:
By default, files are deleted every 6 hours. Files are available in later Web Central sessions only if Web Central is not running on a clustered environment.
If you want to work further with the export file, you can save it to your local workstation. When you click the link to open the file, you are given the option to save the file. You can also save an export file by right-clicking the file's link in the Result View or File section, and select Save Target As to load the file to your local workstation.
See Also
Exporting Data Using Data Transfer