On Demand / SLA Console
Preventive Maintenance / SLA Console

Adding an Approval Step for Work Requests

When you add an approval for an SLA, it is always an edit and approve step. That is, the approver always has the ability to update the request when they approve it. This enables the approver to clarify or modify problem type, description, and other request fields, so that the request gets routed to the right work team. Edit and approve is also used to approve work that may be optional or incur high expense, such as painting an office.

Note: Some sites establish SLAs such that multiple priorities (and associated workflows) are defined for the SLA, but only the default priority is available to the user when requesting work When the business manager reviews the work request, they can edit the priority to invoke the workflow that is best suited to the particular circumstances of the request. For more information, see Setting Priority Levels.

Approval compared to confirmation steps

In addition to approval steps, you can add confirmation steps. Approval steps are added when the request has the Requested status, and always include the ability to edit the request. Confirmation steps enable a business manager or a supervisor to approve an estimation or scheduling step, but do not include the ability to edit. You can add a confirmation step for estimating or scheduling the work when it is requested, or when it is assigned to a work order. See Adding a Confirmation Step for an SLA.


To enter an approval step for a requested work request:

  1. From the Step 2 Workflow screen from the SLA wizard, select the Approval Required check box to require approval for requested work of this priority. When you make this selection, the form for specifying the approver appears.

  1. Enter the information for approval:
    1. From the Type field, select Edit and Approve to describe this step.
    2. You may optionally specify a condition that a request must meet in order to include the Edit and Approve step. For example,you could set a condition so that only requests for a specific division within a building, or only requests that exceed a certain amount would require the Edit and Approve step. If you do not specify a condition, all requests will be sent to the reviewer specified below.
    3. You must specify who will receive the request in their queue. Choose from one of the following, but note that if multiple priorities are defined for this SLA, they all must specify this same person for the first Manager Approval.
      • an employee
      • a vendor
      • a craftsperson
      • AFM Role: To specify a user role, rather than a specific person, select the role from the AFM Role field.
      • Service Desk Role: Select from this list to specify a service desk role. See Understanding Service Desk Roles.
    4. Notify Responsible?. If you want the person you specify as the approver to receive email notification, select this check box. This notification is in addition to the request appearing in the responsible person's queue when they sign into the console.
    1. Click Save.
    2. The Step 2 - Workflow form appears.
  2. If needed, to add another approval, click Add Approval under Optional steps in the Requested section.

Note: For each status, multiple approval steps can be defined. If you have multiple approvals, the system executes them in the order that they are listed on the form. For example, if you specify on the form that a work request needs facility approval and manager approval (in this order), the system first routes the request to the specified party for facility approval. If the request is approved, the system routes it to the party specified for manager approval.

Making Modifications

The system displays Approval Steps next to their request status.