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Workplace Services / Reservations
Defining Trades
A trade defines a type of craftsperson, such as a carpenter or electrician.
You can set up trades that are required for performing set-up and clean-up tasks for room and
resource reservations. You can assign a Trade Code value to each room
arrangement type and resource standard. With trades established, work
requests can be generated by room and resource reservations.
To add or edit a trade:
- In the Process Navigator,
select the Develop Background Data/Define Trades task.
The Trades view appears. All of the currently defined trades are displayed
in the left frame.
- Select a trade.
- Edit the trade data
as necessary.
- Click the Save button
to save your changes.
- Click the Add New
button to add a new trade.
- Enter as much of
the trade's data as possible.
- To enable work requests
for this trade, select Yes for the Reservations Generate Work Request?
Note: If you set up work requests to be generated, a room/resource
reservation that is associated with this trade will generate two work
requests for the trade, one for setup work and one for cleanup work.
- Click the Save button.
- Click the Refresh
button in the left frame.
The new trade information appears in the Trades list.
- Continue to add additional
trades as necessary.