Workplace Services / Reservations

Defining Trades

A trade defines a type of craftsperson, such as a carpenter or electrician. You can set up trades that are required for performing set-up and clean-up tasks for room and resource reservations. You can assign a Trade Code value to each room arrangement type and resource standard. With trades established, work requests can be generated by room and resource reservations.

To add or edit a trade:

  1. In the Process Navigator, select the Develop Background Data/Define Trades task.

    The Trades view appears. All of the currently defined trades are displayed in the left frame.
  2. Select a trade.
  3. Edit the trade data as necessary.
  4. Click the Save button to save your changes.
  5. Click the Add New button to add a new trade.
  6. Enter as much of the trade's data as possible.
  7. To enable work requests for this trade, select Yes for the Reservations Generate Work Request? value.

    : If you set up work requests to be generated, a room/resource reservation that is associated with this trade will generate two work requests for the trade, one for setup work and one for cleanup work.
  8. Click the Save button.
  9. Click the Refresh button in the left frame.

    The new trade information appears in the Trades list.
  10. Continue to add additional trades as necessary.