Workplace Services / Reservations / Define Background Data
Workplace Services / Hoteling / Business Process Owner

Defining Visitors

The Hoteling and Reservations applications support use by outside visitors or guests.

For example, during the room reservation process, you can set up meeting invitations to be sent to both internal employees as well as external visitors (guests). Similarly, an external visitor, such as a contractor, may wish to book an office so that they have a place to work during their contract.

Note: If this view is called from the Hoteling/Create Booking task, the system will set a filter on the booking’s start date and end date values to show only active visitors for the booking day. Also, a filter will be applied so that if the employee, division, and department information has been completed for the visitor, then only those visitors assigned to you (via the Authorized By field) or to your division and department will be available for selection.

To define information about the visitors to your facility:

  1. Select the Define Visitors task in the Process Navigator. The Visitors form appears.
  1. In the right-hand frame, the system displays a form with the following fields. Minimally, you must enter Name-First and Name-Last values. If possible, enter a Visitor Email Address value. This field is required for the system to send email notifications to this visitor. Additionally, you can complete the other fields.
  2. Field


    Enter these required fields with the name of the visitor.
    Company Enter the name of this visitor's company
    Authorized By Holds the name of the employee who authorized this visitor. The system will complete this with your name.
    Internal Contact
    Contact Phone
    Contact Relationship
    Use these fields to list information about the employee to whom this visitor is responsible. The Internal Contact may be the same employee as "Authorized By", or someone different. These fields are primarily used in the Reservations application; Hoteling users may wish to review their values, but should complete the Contact Employee field if they wish to associate a visitor with an employee in the company.
    Building Code
    Floor Code
    Meeting Room Code

    You can enter the building, floor, and room that the visitor typically uses.

    If you access the Add New Visitors form from the Create Booking task, the system will automatically complete these fields with the room associated with the employee in Authorized By. You can edit these default values.

    Begin Date

    Expiration Date

    Enter the time frame during which the visitor will be authorized to access the ARCHIBUS system. For example, if you are setting up a contractor as a visitor and expect that project they are overseeing to take three months, you indicate this time period in these fields.
    Visitor Email Complete this field so that the system is able to send automatic email notifications to this visitor.
    Cell Phone Number Enter the visitor's cell phone.
    Visitor Picture Enter the file name of an image of this visitor, such as fran_smith.gif.
    Contact Employee Each visitor can be associated with an employee so that the employee can create a booking on behalf of a visitor. This employee can be the same as the employee entered in Authorized By, or someone different. For example, if a business process owner creates this record and their name is automatically entered in Authorized By, you can specify in this field the exact employee to whom the visitor will be responsible. If an employee is specified in this field, then only that employee can book a room for the visitor. If you wish to allow any employee to book a room for this visitor, leave this field blank.
    Contact Division
    Contact Dept
    When the system charges for use of the room by a visitor, it charges the cost to this division and department. The default convention is to enter the division and department of the employee specified in Contact Employee. However, if the charge should be made to a division and department other than that of the Contact Employee, you can enter this division and department in this field. If you have not entered an Contact Employee, you can still associate the visitor with a department by entering these fields.
    Comments Enter any comments about the visitor.
  3. Click the Save button to save your changes. This data is saved to the Visitors table.

A Visitor's Association with an Employee for the Hoteling Application

When defining visitors for use with the Hoteling application, you should carefully consider how you complete the Contact fields. The Contact Employee, Contact Division, and Contact Department fields are very important when determining who can book a room for a visitor. The system limits access to certain visitors by matching the logged-in user’s division, department, and employee IDs (as stored in the Employees table) to the Contact Division, Department, and Employee in the Visitors table. If they match, then the user has access to the visitor. If they do not match, then the user does not have access to the visitor. Thus:

However, you must also consider the security group settings.