A material safety data sheet (MSDS) is a form that reports on the properties of a particular a material or chemical substance (chemical, chemical compound, chemical mixture), how to use it safely, and what to do if there is an emergency.
Its purpose it to provide workers and emergency personnel with safe procedures for handling and working with a particular substance; accordingly, workers using a substance, supervisors, firefighters, doctors, occupational hygienists, safety supervisors, engineers, and environmental specialists may all refer to an MSDS in the course of their daily work. MSDSs are often posted in workplaces for employees' reference and are distributed to local hospitals, emergency response agencies, and fire departments.
An MSDS typically includes the following information about a particular substance:
MSDS formats can vary from between countries depending on national requirements.
An MSDS is also known as a safety data sheet (SDS) or a product safety data sheet (PSDS).
The ARCHIBUS MSDS application does not store all of the above information; instead, it focuses on storing MSDS data for sorting, classifying, filtering, and retrieving the MSDS sheets and providing summary analytics on the products. Once the user locates the ARCHIBUS MSDS record, they can link to the manufacturer's web site for a PDF of the complete MSDS provided by the manufacturer.