Environmental & Risk Management / Green Building / Carbon Footprint - Track

Viewing the Methodology for Emissions Calculations

When you enter consumption data for a source of emissions and click Save, the application calculates the emissions using the data you enter, and shows the emissions data in the Footprints panel for that source. The application performs the calculation using the workflow rule for that source category. See Entering Building Footprint Data: Overview.

This emission data is then totaled for the building when you run the Summarize Emissions action from the Building Footprints Details tab. See Summarizing Emissions.

Once the application calculates emissions, you can click the Methodology button in any data row in the Footprints panel for a source of emissions to review the calculations and factor data used.

When you click Methodology, a new window opens which shows the calculations performed using the consumption data introduced for this factor to obtain the final emissions of kg CO2 or MTCE CH4, and MTCO2 equivalent numbers.

Total emissions is expressed as Metric Tons CO2 that is calculated by adding the metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions with the metric ton carbon dioxide equivalents for methane and nitrous oxide as shown in the following equation:

Total Emissions (MTCO2) = Emissions MTCO2 + CH4 Emissions (MTCO2 Eq.) + N2O Emissions (MTCO2 Eq.)

The following image shows the half of the Methodology form that provides the calculations and factor data for carbon dioxide emissions for stationary combustion:

The following image shows the other half of the Methodology form for Stationary Fuel Consumption that has the calculations used for methane and nitrous oxide.