Workplace Services / Hoteling / Management Reports

Hotel Savings Reports

The ultimate goal of the Hoteling application is to help you better manage your temporarily occupied space so that you can reduce the number of seats in your facility. The Hotel Savings reports show the number of seats and the amount of area you save during a specific time frame by implementing a hoteling system for temporary occupiers rather than using permanent rooms.

There are two savings reports:

Both reports operate similarly and present a bar chart showing total use, availability, and savings saved per department or per building during a specified time period by comparing the total number of unique employees who booked seats and the available seats. For example, for a given time period, if 10 different employees used 4 available seats, you saved 6 seats

For both reports, you can choose to see either the number of seats or the amount of area that has been saved during the time frame that you specify. For both reports, you can also choose to filter the records contributing to the report based on site, building, division, and department.


The reports show the number of seats, or the amount of area, saved per department or per building during a specified time period by comparing the total and available rooms, such that savings = total - available. The reports exclude seats that were booked by visitors.

For the By Department report, the exact calculations below follows. The By Building report uses these same calculations, except that they use GROUP BY bl_id.

For savings in terms of seats, note that the Total amount is based on Workspace Transaction records (the rmpct table) and the Available amount is based on Room records:

total bar = SELECT count(distinct rmpct.em_id) FROM rmpct, em WHERE {rmpct values meet filter restriction} AND rmpct.em_id = em.em_id AND WHERE rmpct.visitor_id IS NULL GROUP BY rmpct.dp_id

available bar = SELECT sum(rm.cap_em - rm.count_em) FROM rm WHERE {rm values meet filter restriction other than Dates} AND rm.hotelable = 1 GROUP BY rm.dp_id

savings bar = total bar - available bar

For savings showing area, note that the calculations use the entitled area of the Employee Standard to determine the total amount of area used.

total bar = SELECT sum(emstd.std_area) FROM emstd, em, rmpct WHERE em.em_std = emstd.em_std AND em.em_id IN (SELECT DISTINCT rmpct.em_id FROM rmpct WHERE {rmpct values meet filter restriction}AND WHERE rmpct.visitor_id IS NULL) GROUP BY rmpct.dp_id

available bar = SELECT sum(rm.area) FROM rm WHERE {rm values meet filter restriction other than Dates} AND rm.hotelable = 1 GROUP BY rm.dp_id

savings bar = total bar - available bar