Environmental & Risk Management / Material Safety Data Sheets / Review MSDSs

Print MSDSs

Hard copies of manufacturer-supplied MSDS are frequently made available in the locations where the materials are used or stored. Making photo copies and manually tracking which MSDSs need to be available at those locations can be very labor intensive. The Print MSDS task simplifies the production of printing the manufacturer-supplied MSDSs. (These MSDSs, in PDF format, have been associated with the ARCHIBUS MSDS record using the Document tab of the Define Material Safety Data Sheets task.)

  1. Select the Print MSDS task.
  2. The system presents a filter console so that you can enter search criteria for a set of MSDSs. For example, you many want to search for all the MSDSs associated with a particular room, so that you can print out all the MSDSs for this room and set up a binder of hard-copy MSDSs for products associated with this room. Enter the search criteria and click "Show." The system displays the results in the lower pane.

    Note: When you set a restriction or sort the grid, this action also clears any selections you have made. For this reason, you should select MSDSs after you have filtered or sorted the grid.

  3. From the set of search results, select one or multiple MSDSs by selecting the check box for specific MSDSs. You can select all MSDSs meeting the search criteria by selecting the check box in the column header. Once you select at least one record, the system activates the Print Selected MSDSs button.
  4. Click the Print Selected MSDSs button. The system starts a paginated report job to print all of the selected MSDS documents.

    Note: It is possible that an MSDS will be listed multiple times (possibly because it is assigned to multiple locations). In this instance, the system will print just one hard copy of each manufacturer-supplied MSDS.

If the print job will take a long time, you can check on the status of the printing in the My Jobs tab. Once the application finishes the print job, click the link on the screen to open the PDF file and send it to the printer of your choosing. For example, the below image shows the link to the PDF resulting after selecting the Print Selected MSDSs button.

Note: The XLS and PDF buttons in the MSDS grid will produce a listing of the records shown in the grid. This may be a useful tool for producing an index for the printed MSDSs.