Getting Results with ARCHIBUS

Shared Workplace Chargeback (Non-Transactional)

Note: If you are not using the transaction and SLA-based space features, you can use this method to calculate chargeback.

The Standard Space Chargeback (non-transactional) process is based on the premise that a department uses 100 per cent of the area in its assigned rooms 100 per cent of the time. However, in today’s world of telecommuting and flexible working schedules, employees often share offices, such that one employee occupies an office two days a week and another employee uses the office the remaining three days. If these two employees are from different departments, the use of the room should be divided proportionately between the two departments.

Similarly, employees of different departments may share an office, such that each day the office houses three employees of different departments: the Graphics department occupies 50 percent of the room, the Marketing department occupies 25 percent of the room, and the Editing department occupies 25 percent of the room. For an accurate chargeback analysis, the cost of this room should be distributed among these three departments by these percentages.

The Shared Workplace Chargeback process handles situations such as these so that departments are charged for shared space according to the amount of time they use the space, or the amount of space they use within a shared room. Thus, shared areas can be paid for by the departments that actually use them, and do not have to be classified as general common areas that must be paid for by all departments. This is particularly important for sites in which space is very expensive and departments require a detailed accounting of the exact space for which they are being charged.

If your site has a significant number of people sharing offices, use the Manage Shared Workplace Chargeback process to determine chargeback. For those rooms that are not shared, you simply leave the default of 100 per cent time and space usage. For those that are shared, you enter the percentage of time or space that each department uses the room.

Shared Workplace Chargeback


Space Management & Planning domain, with the Use Workspace Transactions? application parameter set to No.

Space Chargeback application

Shared Workplace Chargeback process

Prerequisite Applications

A room, group, or mixed space inventory developed with the Space Inventory & Performance application. 

Chargeback Is Based On

The percentage of time that a department uses a room, or the percentage of space within a room that a department occupies.

Who Should Use

Sites with a high percentage of shared offices.

Sites for which space is expensive and an exact accounting of departmental space use is required.

Alternate Application Standard Space Chargeback (Non-Transactional) for charging for space in situations in which rooms are typically not shared.

See Also

Chargeback Overview