Environmental & Risk Management / Waste Management/ Waste - Background Data

Define Satellite Accumulation, Storage, and Tank Areas

For many types of waste, you need to store and accumulate your waste on site before processing it on-site or shipping it off-site to another entity. You can store waste in a tank, a permanent fixture in which you store waste before emptying it to transport it. Or, you can store small amounts of waste in a container in which you ship it. Alternately, you might have a satellite accumulation area where you are permitted to store small amounts of waste before transporting it to a processing facility.

Use this task to define the exact location on site where you store and accumulate your waste.

For waste that is immediately discharged into the air, you will not need to define a storage area.

You can define satellite accumulation areas, storage, and tank areas by filling out the form, or directly on the map.

Defining locations using the form

  1. Do one of the following:
  2. When entering accumulation, storage, or tank areas, enter the following required fields:

    Site CodeFills in with the site you select from the drill-down selection list. You must associate the area with a site.
    Area Type

    Choose whether the area is a:

    Accumulation/Storage /Tank AreaEnter a unique name to identify this area.

  3. Enter the following fields as needed:

    Building/Floor/RoomSelect the location of the area.
    PropertyIf you are tracking waste in terms of properties, choose the property on which this storage area or tank is located. If you are tracking waste in terms of sites only, leave this field blank.

    Once a property or building is selected, the program populates the latitude and longitude fields with the corresponding values for the selected property or building.This information is used to place waste associated with this location in map views.

    You can manually enter these values if you have used a GPS device to pinpoint the exact location.

  4. Click Save.

Defining locations directly on the map

To define a location directly on the map:

  1. Click Locate on Map.

    A different mouse cursor appears. The application plots the existing location, if any, or else zooms to the location of the site or building shown in the form.

  2. On the Asset Map, click the point on the map where you want to define a location.

    The application plots a different color marker (for example, yellow versus the default red circle) where you click.

  3. If needed, zoom in to further inspect the location.
  4. If you are not satisfied with the new location, click again. The first yellow marker is erased, and the application plots a new marker where you most recently clicked.
  5. Once satisfied with the marker placement, click Set Selected Location to confirm the placement, and update the Latitude and Longitude values in the edit form above with the new coordinates.
  6. Click Save to commit the coordinates in the form to the database and refresh the map.