Environmental & Risk Management / Waste Management/ Waste - Background Data

Defining Waste Transporters and Facilities

If you plan to track the shipment of waste to an outside facility, you need to define your waste transporters and waste processing facilities.

Define Waste Transporters

As you manage the waste cycle, you will need to note the parties involved in transporting waste from your site to a processing plant. This is particularly important when you ship hazardous waste, as government regulations typically require you to document the party to whom you hand over waste; this party then assumes legal custody of the waste.

Note that the waste transporter information that you enter with this task is written to the Vendors table and is classified with the Vendor Type: WstTr.The values that you enter for waste transporters are documented below:

Transporter Code

Enter a value that uniquely identifies the transporter and that you will recognize from a list of transporters.

Note: This value is written to the vn_id field of the Vendors table.

Transporter Name

Enter a descriptive name for this transporter. You may want to indicate the exact type of hazardous waste that this transporter carries. For example, you could complete this field with "ACME -- All" to indicate that this transporter typically transports all types of hazardous waste.Labeling such as this will help you choose appropriate transporters from your list of transporters.

Note: This value is written to the company field of the Vendors table.

Transporter Number

Enter the number of the permit granted to this transporter by the appropriate government agency. Typically, this permit will document that the transporter is authorized to ship hazardous waste.

Note: This value is written to the insurance_cert1 field of the Vendors table.

Is Active? Indicate if the transporter is currently used by your company. If you set the Is Active? field to No, users are not able to select this transporter from selection lists.This enables you to remove the transporter from selection lists while not deleting the record. It can be important to retain records so that you have a complete hazardous waste audit trail.

Transporter Notes

Enter any applicable notes about this transporter or your company's experience in using this transporter.

Note: This value is written to the services fields of the Vendors table.

Define Waste Processing Facilities

Use this task to define the facilities at which your waste is disposed, recycled, and/or treated, such as recycling facilities, waste-water treatment plants, incinerators, and so forth. The waste processing facility is the party that legally takes custody of waste that is transferred from your site. Note that waste processing facilities only pertain to processing waste that is shipped from your site; if you process waste on-site, your site is not considered to be a waste processing facility.

When entering the waste processing facilities with which you do business, note these fields:

Waste Facility Code Enter a value that uniquely identifies the facility that processes or disposes of your waste and that you will recognize when choosing this value from a list of waste processors.
Waste Facility Name

Enter a descriptive name for this facility.

Waste Facility Number If necessary, use this field to further define the waste processing facility with a number.
Waste Facility Vendor Code Choose a value from the list of vendors, which is established as part of the Define Vendors task of the Facilities - Background Data process.


Choose Active or Inactive to indicate whether or not your company is currently working with this processing facility. When working with other Waste Management tasks, you may find that you are limited to choosing only waste processing facilities whose Status is Active.
Location Information/
Contact Information
When you choose an existing vendor, the system will automatically complete these fields with the vendor's location and contact information. However, if necessary, you can edit these values. For example, the Vendors table may store the corporate headquarters of the waste processor, and you need to complete the location information of the exact facility that will be handling your waste, and the contact information for the person at this facility with whom you interact.
Disposal/Recycling/Treatment Indicate the part of the waste process with which this facility is involved (disposing, recycling, and treating) by choosing Yes or No for each option.
Waste Facility Notes Enter any notes about this particular waste processing facility.
