Environmental & Risk Management / Waste Management / Review

Waste Details Reports

The following Waste Details reports enable you to review and assess how you are managing your waste by waste profiles, and to print container labels for both hazardous and non-hazardous waste.

Waste Profiles by Category

This report enables you to review waste profile details, including assigned waste regulated codes, by waste category. Regulated Waste Codes are the specific wastes referenced in the regulations that are associated with this waste profile. You can also access the MSDS document and related information. The report is a detailed informational report about waste profiles that helps you track the waste regulations and specific waste codes handled by that profile. It also helps you track any waste categories which do not have an assigned waste profile, and waste profiles that do not have any regulations or regulated waste codes assigned.

From this report you can:

Waste Profiles by Regulated Code

This report enables you to review waste profile details by the waste regulated codes that are assigned to them.

To generate this report:

  1. Select a Base Hazardous Code (the first letter of the regulated waste code) to see the regulated waste codes beginning with this letter. Or, select a regulated waste code type to see the regulated waste codes assigned to that type. Click Show. The report shows all regulated waste codes, even if a profile is not assigned to that waste code. This enables you to evaluate if any of the waste that you manage is not being handled by a waste profile.
  2. Select a regulated waste code to see the waste profile assigned to it.

Waste Container Labels

This report enables you to review the details of the waste stored, shipped, or discharged from a particular storage or tank area, and to print labels as needed. Waste records with Generated status are not shown in this report.

To generate labels:

  1. Select a site from the drill-down list, and then select the storage area, satellite accumulation area, or tank that has the waste for which you want to print labels. The right panel shows the records for all waste at the selected location.
    1. In the Waste Accumulated, Stored, and Disposed panel, select the waste for which you want to generate labels, and click Generate Selected Label(s).

      A different label is generated depending on whether or not the waste is hazardous. The waste is determined to be hazardous if the Waste Type field in its associated Waste Profile is Hazardous. It is determined to be non-hazardous if the Waste Type field is Residual/Non-Hazardous or Municipal.

      For hazardous waste, the label uses the following information to complete the label:

    For non-hazardous waste, the label will include the following information: