The Track Waste Generation task enables you to define an instance of waste and assign it to a location or stage in the waste handling process. You have the opportunity to set the waste’s current status and define required information using one view. At subsequent stages in the waste management process, you may then return to any of the status-specific views, such as Track Waste Accumulation, Track Waste Storage, Track Waste Shipments, or Track Waste Discharges to edit or “move” the waste to a new location or stage.
From the Track Waste Generation task, you can:
Because generated waste records serve as an archive of the values entered for waste, in the Track Waste Generation view, you are able to review other waste records with a Status of Generated, but cannot edit any of them. Tracking generated waste enables the application to generate reports for all waste produced, regardless of how the waste was stored or disposed of. The generated waste records serve as an archive for all waste.See How the Application Tracks Waste.
Note: Because generated waste records serve as an archive of the values entered for waste, in the Track Waste Generation view, you are able to review other waste records with a Status of Generated, but cannot edit any of them. This prevents data integrity issues in cases where this instance of generated waste is combined with other instances of generated waste, such as when combining waste in a new container.
When you save a new waste record from any of the Track Waste views, the system creates one record for the Generated Waste with the Status 'Generated.' The Generated Waste record serves as an archive that documents the values entered for this instance of waste. An additional record is created or updated, depending on the Status you select for the Generated Waste record:
In either case a Generated record is created. In this way the application maintains an archive of input values for each waste instance (the Generated waste record), and also updates waste quantities as you add to accumulating waste or waste in storage areas. This process simplifies data entry as you do not need to locate the matching record when adding new waste to existing records.
When entering generated waste, you must enter the following information.
Waste Code | This value uniquely identifies this specific instance of waste. This value is generated by the system and is not editable. |
Waste Profile |
For this specific instance of waste, choose its general properties by selecting a waste profile from the available list of waste profiles. By selecting a waste profile, you make all of the properties of this profile (such as regulations, gravity, CAS number, MSDS number, and so on) available to this specific instance of waste. |
Site Code | Select the site where this waste is generated. |
Quantity | Enter the overall quantity of this waste. For example, if this instance of waste is 90 gallons, enter 90. |
Units Type |
The system will automatically complete this field with the Default Unit Type of the waste profile. However, if you want to change it, you can choose Mass, Gas, or Liquid to indicate the type of waste. |
Units |
Depending on the type of unit selected above (mass, liquid, or gas), the system will complete this field with the unit (gallon, liter, pint, cubic meter, etc.) that is set as the default for this unit type. If you wish to change this default value, choose another unit from the list of available values. For example, if your waste profile has Liquid as the Default Unit Type, the system will complete Unit Type with Liquid. The system will then present the units you defined for liquids (such as gallons, liters, or cubic meters) as values for this option and automatically complete this option with the unit whose Default? value is set to Yes. |
Status |
When you save this waste record, the system creates one record in the Waste Storage/Shipments/Discharges table for the Generated Waste. An additional record is created in this table, or an existing record is updated, with the status you select. Select the status for this instance of waste: Accumulated: Indicates that the waste is in a satellite accumulation area. When you select the Accumulated Status, the Accumulation / Storage / Tank area type selection must be "Satellite Accumulation." Stored: Indicates the waste is in a storage area. When you select the Stored Status, the Accumulation / Storage / Tank area type selection must be "Storage." Disposed: Indicates that the waste is no longer under your control, that is, it has been shipped or discharged. When you select the Disposed Status, then Waste Disposition is a required field. |
Accumulation / Storage / Tank Area |
This field is required for waste that has a Status of Accumulated or Stored. Select the location for this waste as: Accumulation: If you select Accumulated as the Status for this waste, you must select an area that has an Area Type of Satellite Accumulation for this field's value. Storage: If you select Stored as the Status for this waste, you must select an area that has an Area Type of Storage for this field's value. Tank: If you select Stored as the Status for this waste, you must select an area that has an Area Type of Storage for this field's value. |
Date Start/Time Start |
The date and time you begin accumulating or storing the waste in this location. Date Start is important as hazardous waste regulations stipulate time limits for storage, and these limits are based on the Date Start. |
Date End/Time End |
Enter the date and time that you are no longer storing the waste. The Time End is optional. Date End is required if the waste Disposition Type is "Discharge." |
Waste Disposition |
Select the way in which this waste will ultimately be disposed. The options can be categorized into two general disposition types: Shipment or Discharge, but waste dispositions further classify disposition within those types. For example, there could be separate Shipment dispositions for on-site disposal and off-site disposal. Subsequent views will limit waste data based on its disposition. For example, when choosing instances of waste to which to add shipment information, the program will limit you to choosing waste whose Disposition Type is Shipment. If you select Disposed as the Status for the waste, then the Waste Disposition field is required. If the Disposition Type associated with your Waste Disposition selection is Shipment, then the Date Shipped is also required. If the Disposition Type associated with your Waste Disposition selection is Discharge, then the Date Start and Date End fields are both required. |
Date Shipped | Enter the date on which this instance of waste leaves your facility and is handed over to the party responsible for transporting it. The Date Shipped is required if you select a Waste Disposition that has a Disposition Type of 'Shipment' associated with it. |
Enter the following optional fields as needed:
Management Method Code |
Select the method by which you manage this waste. Typically, these methods are named according to the conventions of the regulatory agency governing your site. The Waste Management information can be entered when you are entering shipping information for the waste, so that the appropriate waste management method can be included on the Waste Manifest that accompanies the waste once it leaves your site. |
Generator Code | Select the Generator for this waste. |
Property Code/Building/Floor/Room |
Optionally, enter the location within your site where this waste is generated. If you are tracking waste in terms of properties, choose the property on which this generator is located. If you are tracking waste in terms of sites only, leave this field blank. |
Equipment Code | If applicable, use this field to associate the waste with the particular piece of equipment that generated it. For example, your heating equipment might discharge used oil as waste. Enter the equipment item from which this instance of waste was generated by choosing a value from the existing list of equipment items. |
Division/Department Code | If you wish to associate the waste with a specific division or department, enter it in these fields. This could be the division and department of the associated employee, the division and department associated with the equipment specified above, or the location of the storage area. |
Employee Name | If the waste is associated with a specific employee, you can complete this field. Otherwise, leave this field blank. |
Contact Code | If your site has established a set of outside contacts with whom you may need to communicate about your waste, you may associate a contact with this instance of waste by choosing a contact from the list. For example, you might want to enter the contact that maintains the storage tank in which this waste is stored. |
Container Category | Select the type of container in which this waste is stored. |
Number of Containers |
You may have a group of containers to store this instance of waste. In this case, you can enter the number of containers with this option, leaving the Container Code empty. |
Container Code | If you need to track the precise container for the waste, and this instance of waste is stored in only one container, enter a value to uniquely identify the container. If more than one container is needed for this instance of waste, do not enter the Container Code, and enter the number of containers as above. |
If you have changed the Status of the waste to Disposed, and the Waste Disposition has a Disposition Type of Shipment, the Date Shipped is required. However, you might want to add the following information to track the waste.
Shipment Code | Enter a value that uniquely identifies this shipment. |
Content Comments | Enter any comments about this particular instance of waste. |
Waste Facility Code | Enter the facility that will be taking charge of the waste, once it is delivered by the transporter. Choose a value from the list of existing waste facilities. |
Manifest Number | Select the manifest from the list of defined manifests. This value uniquely identifies this specific manifest. |
Transporter Code | Enter the party that will be transporting the waste. Choose a value from the list of existing transporters. You will be limited to choosing transporters whose Status is Active. |