Building Operations / On Demand Work / Dispatcher

Reviewing and Routing Service Requests

As a dispatcher, you can run the Dispatch Request task to receive a list of service requests assigned to you to review and dispatch.

A request is sent to the dispatcher if the SLA governing the request does not specify a work team or supervisor to automatically handle the work and the request is of type SERVICE DESK-MAINTENANCE .

Select a request from the list, and you move to the Dispatch tab, which lists details for the request.

Checking on Other Requests by Requestor or Location

Before routing the request, you may want to check on other requests entered by the same user or other requests for the same location.

To do so, click on:

A pop-up window shows these requests. Select a request to see its details.

With this feature, you can evaluate if the current request is a duplicate, or if other similar requests have been made.


After reviewing the work and determining the appropriate supervisor or work team to handle it, you can route it to the appropriate party for execution:

  1. In the Dispatch section of the form, enter the Work Team or the Supervisor to whom this request should be routed.
  2. Complete a comment if necessary.
  3. Click the Dispatch button on top and bottom location of the tab page.


If this request is a duplicate, you should reject it. Other reasons to reject a request may be that the requested service has been discontinued or a service provider/work team is unavailable to handle the request.

To reject the current request, click the Reject button (located on both the top and bottom of the tab page).

The status will change to Rejected, and the system will archive the service request.