After issuing work orders, you can print your work orders for execution.
Printed work orders can be distributed to craftspersons for completion of the necessary work. Since the craftspersons may not have access to the system while they are at the site, they may find the hard-copy useful for reviewing the details of the job and jotting down notes about the job while they are working. When they finish the job, they can enter these notes to the online system.
Note: For both the Preventive Maintenance and On Demand applications, an "Issue" task from which you can print work orders. Printing work orders and work requests operates similarly in both applications; the only differences are the names of the tasks and tabs: for PM, the tasks are "Issue Work Orders" and "Issue Work Requests" and for On Demand, the tasks are "Issue and Print Work Orders" and "Issue and Print Work Requests."
If you are viewing work orders:
If you are viewing work requests:
Printing work orders can also be done when Updating Work Request and Work Order Details.
Preventive Maintenance work requests can be printed from the Preventive Maintenance/Maintenance Manager/View Active PM Work Orders task.