Building Operations / Preventive Maintenance / Maintenance Manager

Defining Rules for Automatic PM Work Order Generation

As a maintenance manager, you can set the system to automatically generate PM work orders at specified intervals, rather than use the Generate PM Work Orders task to generate work orders yourself. Defining work order generation rules enables the system to automatically, and periodically (you define the period) generate PM Work Orders, according to pre-defined filter and grouping options.

During the work order generation process, work requests are matched to SLAs, which dictate the time to complete, time to respond, craftsperson assignment, and if the generated work order should be auto-issued. Thus, once you set up your preventive maintenance procedures, schedules, SLAs (optional), and work order rules, the system will have all the information it requires to automate the handling of preventive maintenance work. By taking the time to carefully define this information up front, over time you will find that automatic work order generation can increase your maintenance efficiency and accuracy.

Form Layout

Launch the Manage Work Order Generation Rules task, and the system presents the Select Generation Rule tab listing the existing rules to edit. Define new rules by choosing the New Rule- Equipment or New Rule - Location buttons.

Once you choose to edit a rule or create a new one, the system moves you to the Manage Generation Rules tab, which presents a form divided into several sections.

Note: The interval in which an auto-generation rule executes is the same as the date range that the Work Order generation process uses for PM schedules coming due. In other words, if a generation rule is defined to execute every two weeks, then it also generates PM Work Orders for all schedules that come due in the same two-week period

Procedure to Specify a Rule:

  1. You can specify the location (site, building , or floor), trade, and schedule group for which to develop a rule for automatically generating work. You can set as many of these fields as apply to your situation. For example, you might want to develop a rule for a certain trade and location, but develop another rule for work that has the same trade but a different location. For other trades, you may wish to manually generate work orders.
    screen shot of the screen to specify criteria for generting work orders
  2. For this rule, specify how you want to group the PM schedules. For example, all schedules for the same equipment standard can be grouped on the same work order. You can also choose to issue one work order for each PM schedule.
  3. In the right part of the form, enter information about how often you want to run the routine that generates work orders for this rule.
  4. If you wish, you can set one or both of the following options: 
  5. Save your settings.

With the work order rule established, the system will periodically automatically generate work orders for the work that matches the criteria you specified.

You can examine automatically generated work orders using the Maintenance Manager/View Active PM Work Orders task.