Capital Project Management / Project Management

Managing and Reviewing Costs Using the Management Console

From the Management Console - Cost tab, you can review cost summaries for work packages and for actions, and you can track and manage invoices and payments.

Recording payments for vendor invoices can only be done from the Management Console - Cost tab. Otherwise, the tasks on the Management Console - Cost tab can also be accessed in the following ways:

For a description of the entire Project Management workflow, see Project Management: Application Overview.

For a description of the entire Project Management workflow, see Project Management: Application Overview.

This topic includes the following sections:

Viewing Cost Summaries

From the Management Console - Cost tab, you can:

Recording Payments

You will be receiving invoices from your Vendors. After you have sent a payment to a vendor, you can record the payment using the Management Console Cost tab.

When you record a payment for an invoice, you enter a payment number and payment amount. When you save your payment, the payment is added to your payments for the selected invoice. The total payments amount is calculated as the total amount for all the payments you have entered for the selected invoice. If the total payment amount is greater than or equal to the invoice amount, then the invoice status is changed to "Closed."

For more information on using the Management Console, see the Using the Management Console topic.

To record payments for invoices:

  1. In the Process Navigator, select the Execute/Management Consoles: Cost task.
  2. Select the project that you have received invoices for.

    The Management Console appears with the Cost tab selected.
  3. Select the Record Payments for Invoices button.
  4. Select the invoice that you are entering a payment for.
  5. Click the Add New button.
  6. Enter a payment number and the payment amount.
  7. Click the Record Payment for Invoice button to save your payment information.
  8. Review your current invoices and payments information using the Invoices and Payments by Work Package and Invoices and Payments by Vendor tasks on the Management Console Cost tab.

Viewing Invoice and Payment details

From the Management Console - Cost tab, you can: