Capital Project Management / Project Management

Reviewing and Updating Actions (Vendor Help)

Each work package is made up of a variety of actions. It is important that you keep track of each action and update the action as it progresses towards completion. For example, if you record Action Item Status, you can view reports that include this field, such as Action Status by Action Types on the Management Console Schedule tab.

While you are working on a work package, you can review your actions by date range to see which action items have a duration that falls within that date range. Any action items that begin in the date range, end in the date range, or span the specified date range will be displayed.

You can export action details to Excel, or generate a report that includes all actions for the selected work package.

Reviewing Actions by Date and Time

To review your actions by date:

  1. In the Process Navigator, select the Contract/Review Actions by Date and Time task.
  2. In the Filter console, select the Project Name for the project for which you want to review actions.
  3. Optionally, use the Filter console to define the date range of actions that you want to view.
  4. Click Show.
    Any action items that begin in the date range, end in the date range, or span the specified date range are displayed in the Actions by Date panel
  5. To see details for an action, click the Details button in the row for the action. Review the action item details and click Close.
  6. To export the action details, in the Actions by Date panel:

Updating Actions

To update your actions:

  1. Select the Contract/Update Actions task.
  2. If needed, use the Filter console to limit the work package actions that you want to view.
  3. Click the Show button.
    The work packages that fall within your restriction are shown in the Select Work Package panel.
  4. Select a work package.
    The Work Package Action Items panel appears.
  5. Click Select in the row for an action.
    The Action Item form appears.
  6. Edit the action fields as necessary, including the Action Item Status, Completed By, Date Completed, Duration - Actual (Days), Hours - Actual, and Comments fields.
  7. Click Save.