Workplace Services / Reservations

Approve Reservations

Some reservations require approval. Room and resource reservations require approval if the room arrangement/resource that has been reserved has been defined to require approvals. To change this setting, consult your business process owner.

Reservations that require approval can be approved by users who have been assigned as an approver for the room arrangement/resource. In addition, any reservation can be approved by a Reservation Manager. Also, if no approver has been assigned to a room arrangement/resource, a reservation for this room arrangement/resource can be approved by someone with the Reservation Service Desk role.

Note: If a user changes a reservation after the reservation has been approved, the reservation requires re-approval.

Note: Reservations that do not require approval have the status of "Confirmed" immediately after the reservation is made.

You can approve a single reservation, or you can approve multiple reservations at once.

To approve a reservation:

  1. Select the Approve Reservations/Approve Reservation task in the Process Navigator.
  2. Do one of the following:
  3. Enter search criteria to narrow your search results. For example, enter a Created By value to view all room and resource reservations created by a particular employee.

    Note: You can use the Resource Code and Resource Standard fields to filter only when you are on the Resource Reservations tab. These search fields cannot be used from the Room Reservations tab to locate room reservations that have particular resources associated with them.

  4. Click the Search button.
    1. The system displays only the reservations that require approval that your role is allowed to approve. Reservations that require approval can be approved by users who have been assigned as an approver for the room arrangement/resource. In addition, any reservation can be approved by a Reservation Manager. Also, if no approver has been assigned to a room arrangement/resource, a reservation for this room arrangement/resource can be approved by someone with the Reservation Service Desk role.
  5. Find the reservation you want to approve. You can select multiple reservations to bulk approve them by selecting their check boxes.
  6. Do one of the following:

    The reservation is now assigned the status of "Confirmed."

    Note: If you click the Reject button, the reservation is assigned the status of "Rejected."