You can cancel a reservation from Web Central whether the reservation was made in Web Central or in Microsoft Outlook, using the ARCHIBUS Outlook-Plugin.
If Exchange integration is configured, Exchange sends the cancellation messages to attendees and visitors, and the corresponding meeting in Exchange is canceled. If Exchange integration is not configured, cancellation messages can be sent by email.
If you are a Reservations Manager, you can cancel multiple recurring or regular reservations at once from the My Reservations tab. See Canceling Multiple Reservations at Once - Reservations Managers.
Note: Your user role can affect whether you are able to cancel a reservation. See Roles in the Reservation Application. If you belong to a group other than "RESERVATION SERVICE DESK" or "RESERVATION MANAGER", you can only cancel reservations if the current date is before the minimum days ahead specified in the resource or room arrangement's Cancellation - Number of Day Ahead time. Also, only the Reservation Manager can select multiple meetings for cancellation.
Unless you are assigned to the Reservation Manager or Reservation Service Desk role, you are not able to cancel reservations scheduled to occur in the past.
You can cancel a single reservation for a nonrecurring reservation. A nonrecurring reservation has the Reservation Type of Regular.
The reservation is canceled. If you have Exchange integration, Exchange sends the emails; otherwise Web Central sends the email notifications to all attendees and the meeting requestor.
If you are the reservation requestor, or are assigned to the Reservation Manager or Reservation Service Desk roles, you can cancel a single occurrence of a recurring meeting, or all occurrences in the series.
For example, if you need to change the recurrence pattern for a reservation, you must first cancel all the reservations in the series, and then create a new recurring reservation with the correct recurrence pattern. When you do this, if you have Exchange integration configured, the Reservation application cancels the matching occurrence in Exchange, and instructs Exchange to notify the attendees.
Note: When canceling a recurring reservation, one update email is sent for each individual occurrence in the series being canceled. If this is a large number of occurrences, to avoid too many emails being sent, you should cancel the entire series and create a new reservation with the correct information.
Note: Use caution when canceling a reservation, because a canceled reservation cannot be reactivated.. To recreate a cancelled reservation within the series, the whole recurrence series must be recreated. To avoid recreating the whole recurrence series, you can instead create a separate single reservation to replace the cancelled occurrence. However, this single reservation is not connected to the recurrence series.
To cancel a single or multiple reservations for a recurring reservation:
A form appears asking if you want to cancel this occurrence only, or all future reservations in the series.
The single or multiple meetings are cancelled depending on your selection. If you have Exchange integration, Exchange sends the emails; otherwise Web Central sends the email notifications to all attendees and the meeting requestor.
If Exchange integration is enabled, and the Reservation Requestor is also the meeting organizer in Exchange, the meeting is automatically removed from the requestor's calendar and the requestor receives a cancel notification by email. If the requestor isn't the meeting organizer in Exchange, the requestor receives a meeting cancellation message to remove the meeting from his or her calendar. Attendees receive the meeting cancellation message in both situations.
If some of the reservations you selected could not be canceled, a message appears giving the Reservation Codes for these reservations. Click OK to dismiss the message. For example, this message displays for reservations that were rejected, and therefore cannot be cancelled.