As you examine the Space Occupancy reports you will notice a few different statistics for average areas.
Because a floor may have the same employee assigned to more than one room by using satellite and primary locations, location-based reports, such as the "Employees by Location"report present metrics such as “average area per occupant” and "occupancy count."
A department, on the other hand, counts each assigned employee only once. Therefore, organization-based reports, such as "Employees by Division and Department" present “average area per employee” and "employee count" metrics.
For both average area per seat and average area per occupant, the numerator – the area – considers only areas that contains seats or occupants. For example, if a room does not contain an occupant (i.e., it is vacant), then that room’s area does not figure into the total for average area per occupant or average area per seat .
Average area per Seat uses as the denominator the total number of “seats” in a given location; that is to say the total capacity as determined by summing the Employee Capacity field of the Rooms table (the rm.cap_em field).
For example, if the sum of all Employee Capacity values for rooms on a given floor is 20, then the total number of seats is 20. Average area per seat sums up all rooms that have seats (cap_em > 0) and then divides by total seats.
Average Area per Occupant shows the amount of area, on average, assigned to each occupant. Non-occupied spaces are not considered. This statistic is found in location-based reports, as explained above.
Usable Area per Seat shows the amount of usable area divided by total capacity
Usable Area per Occupant shows the amount of usable area, divided by total occupant count