Space Planning & Management / Space Inventory & Performance

Calculating Rentable Area According to BOMA 2010 Methods A and B

BOMA released a new Office Space Standard document in 2010. The main goal of the document is to describe how to calculate rentable area in office buildings using two possible methods, named Method A and Method B. The document uses a few terms that are not part of the basic ARCHIBUS space vocabulary, such as Base Building Circulation, Occupant Area, and Service and Amenity Areas. However, one can use ARCHIBUS to calculate rentable area according to BOMA 2010 by mapping the BOMA 2010 terms to ARCHIBUS terms, and then performing calculations in ARCHIBUS. The sections below describe how to do this.

The Space Inventory/Building Performance/View Building Performance Analysis task presents the Building Performance report and includes buttons for calculating key fields according to BOMA Method A and BOMA Method B.

Calculating Rentable Area Using Method A

One of the goals of Method A is to arrive at a rentable area that is based only on areas on the floor that are floor-specific, and to exclude areas on the floor that are common to or used by the building. Two ways it does this are:

The following table illustrates equivalent terminology between BOMA 2010 and ARCHIBUS, and the calculations required to arrive at each term’s value. Unless otherwise stated, all calculations are based on floor values and measurements. The exception is the BOMA 2010 R/O ratio.

BOMA 2010 Term ARCHIBUS Term ARCHIBUS Calculation Existing or New?
Preliminary Floor Area Rentable Area Int. Gross Area – Total Vert. Pen. Area Existing as fl.area_rentable
Occupant Area Total Occup. Area Sum of all room area where the room category’s Occupiable? flag is “Yes” Existing as fl.area_ocup
Building Service Areas Service Area, Prorated to Building Sum of all room area where room category’s Super Category is set to “Service Area” and room’s prorate is set to BUILDING New
Floor Service and Amenity Areas Service Area, Prorated to Floor Sum of all room area whose room category’s Super Category is set to “Service Area” and whose room’s Prorate is set to FLOOR New
Usable Area Usable Area Rentable Area – Service Area (= Rentable Area – Sum of all room area where room category’s Super Category is set to “Service Area”) Existing as fl.area_usable
R/U Ratio BOMA 2010 R/U Ratio (Usable Area + Service Area, Prorated to Floor) / Usable Area New
Occupant + Allocated Area BOMA 2010 Occupant plus Allocated Area Total Occup. Area * BOMA 2010 R/U Ratio New
R/O Ratio BOMA 2010 R/O Ratio (Rentable Area for Building) / (BOMA 2010 Occupant plus Allocated Area for Building) New
Rentable Area BOMA 2010 Method A Rentable Area (BOMA 2010 Occupant plus Allocated Area) * (BOMA 2010 R/O Ratio) New

Calculating Rentable Area Using Method B

One of the goals of Method B is to apply a single, uniform load factor for the entire building to arrive at a Rentable Area for each floor. The standard achieves this by defining a “Load Factor B”; in ARCHIBUS terms, this is simply the R/U ratio of the building, not an R/U ratio specific for each floor.

The following table illustrates equivalent terminology between BOMA 2010 and ARCHIBUS, and the calculations required to arrive at each term’s value. Unless otherwise stated, all calculations are based on floor values and measurements. The exception is the Building R/U Ratio.

BOMA 2010 Term ARCHIBUS Term ARCHIBUS Calculation Existing or New?
Preliminary Floor Area Rentable Area Int. Gross Area – Total Vert. Pen. Area Existing as fl.area_rentable
Base Building Circulation Base Building Circulation Service Area Sum of all room area where room category’s Super Category is set to “Service Area” and room’s category is BASE BL CIRC. New
Service and Amenity Areas Other Service Area Sum of all room area where room category’s Super Category is set to “Service Area” and room’s category is not BASE BL CIRC New
Occupant Area Usable Area Rentable Area – Service Area (= Rentable Area – Sum of all room area where room category’s Super Category is set to “Service Area”) Existing as fl.area_usable
Load Factor B Building R/U Ratio Rentable area for Building / Usable Area for Building Existing as bl.ratio_ru
Rentable Area BOMA 2010 Method B Rentable Area Usable Area * Building R/U Ratio New