Space Planning & Management / Space Inventory & Performance / Space Manager (Transactional)
Space Planning & Management / Space Personnel & Occupancy/ Space Manager (Transactional)

Allocation, Trends, and Benchmarks Report

Space managers must often align space use with operational initiatives, such as amount of meeting room space in a usable area, or the percent of space that is hotelable. In addition, space managers must be able to analyze previous trends in space use in order to better inform future space-related decisions, and identify improvements in space efficiency and use.

To accommodate those needs, the Allocation, Trends, and Benchmarks report enables the space manager to see how all space is divided among various attributes such as categories, departments, and occupancy, see trends over time, and compare actual use to benchmarks.

This report supports the following use cases:

The task provides three tabs: Allocations, Trends, Benchmarks. For each tab, you specify the options that you want that tab to report on.

Setting the Filter

Each tab presents a number of filter options so that you can control which data the report uses to generate the bar graph.

For example, in the below image, the filter has been set to report on room area (x-axis) for each floor (y-axis) and that each floor's area bar should be proportionately colored to reflect the department assignment. Hovering over the blue portion of the bar for floor HQ-19 shows that the blue bar represents the Executive-Management department.


Allocations Tab

The Allocations tab reports on how area is distributed to among various criteria (the value that you specify in the Group By option). By visually examining the length of each bar, you can see how the overall area size varies between floors. Use the colored sections of each bar to determine how area within a floor is allocated to specific departments, divisions or room categories (depending on the Group By option). Note that if you choose "All Area Types" for Group By, the bar will indicate all types of areas: vertical penetrations, service areas, and departmental areas.

Trends Tab

Use the Trends tab to see how allocation changes over time. You can select a time period (month, quarter, year) as well as the years for your date range. Use the Trends tab to see trends in how division area, department area, and occupancy rates change. These values are calculated and stored monthly using the Trending Metrics features. the afm_metric_trend_values table stores these results:

For example, to generate the occupancy rate for Q2 in 2011 for building HQ, the system:

  1. gets occupancy_count x bl x quarter for HQ with a metric date of 2011-06-30
  2. gets em_capacity x bl x month for HQ, metric date of 2011-06-30
  3. divides occupancy by capacity

Capacity is a snapshot at the end of the time period. By storing capacity as a trend metric, the system allows it to change. In calculations of other occupancy in other reports, capacity comes from the values in the Rooms table.

Benchmarks Tab

If a benchmark value exists for the selected Group By option , then the view shows that benchmark value as a horizontal line on the bar chart control, for example, the green line in the below image. Valid benchmark values for this report are as follows. These benchmark values are set with the Define Space Application Parameters tab.

Use the benchmark to compare your current conditions with your goal.

With metrics such as area, cost, occupancy, and benchmark area per occupant, organizations may identify and quantify opportunities for cost improvement. Here is an example:

Another way of looking at this is: