Space Planning & Management / Personnel & Occupancy / Background Data (Transactional)
Space Planning & Management / Personnel & Occupancy / Space Manager (Transactional)

Employee Exceptions report

Use this report to identify common data-related errors in your employee and occupancy data.

This report includes lists of employees where:

FROM em, rmpct WHERE em.em_id = rmpct.em_id AND rmpct.primary_em = 1 AND (rmpct.bl_id != em.bl_id OR rmpct.fl_id != em.fl_id OR rmpct.rm_id != em.rm_id) AND rmpct.status = 1 AND (rmpct.date_start IS NULL OR rmpct.date_start <= <current date>) AND (rmpct.date_end IS NULL OR rmpct.date_end >= <current date>)

1 < SELECT COUNT(1) FROM rmpct, activity_log WHERE rmpct.activity_log_id IS NOT NULL AND rmpct.activity_log_id = activity_log.activity_log_id AND activity_log.activity_type IN (‘SERVICE DESK – INDIVIDUAL MOVE’, ‘SERVICE DESK – GROUP MOVE’) AND rmpct.primary_em = 1 AND (rmpct.status = 0 OR (rmpct.status = 1 AND rmpct.date_start >= <current date>)) GROUP BY rmpct.em_id

You may want to run this report and correct these situations before running Update Area Totals.