Asset symbols are the means of binding together drawings and databases. An asset symbol is an item in a drawing that is linked to a database record, providing you with alphanumeric and graphical formats of an item in your facility. Many different types of facility information can be tracked with asset symbols, including:
In this section, you first explore asset symbols by examining their drawing and database components, and then you edit some asset symbols, both from the drawing and from the database.
Next, you create new asset symbols by walking through two examples of asset symbol creation and the events that occur in the drawing and in the database to make the link. With this understanding, you then create asset symbols by copying and asset inserting.
Because entities change layers when they are converted to asset symbols, this section also takes a closer look at the layers on which asset symbols are stored.
Note: For information on how the ARCHIBUS Extension for Revit works with asset symbols, see Using the ARCHIBUS Extension for Revit.
The Asset Symbol sections includes the following topics:
Working with Existing Asset Symbols:
Creating Asset Symbols: