Asset Management / Asset Portal / Equipment

View and Edit Patch Panel Standards

To add patch panel standards:

  1. On the Process Navigator, select Asset Management/Asset Portal/Equipment/View and Edit Patch Panel Standards.
  2. At the top of the Patch Panel Standards list, click Add New.
  3. In the Patch Panel Standard panel, enter the following required field:

    Patch Panel Standard: Enter a unique identifier for this type of patch panel.

  4. Enter the following recommended fields:

    Patch Panel Standard Description: Enter a description that further defines the type of patch panel. The description is included in the selection list when defining and updating information for patch panels.

    Panel Image: Use this document field to hold files that show an image of your patch panel. To add a document file, you must first save the record. After you save, the Check In New Document button appears next to the Document field. Use this button to browse for the file. You can then view the document from the record by clicking the Show Document button next to the Document field. For more information, see Using the Document Management System.

    Drawing Block: Enter the name of the block, such as Panel48 that represents the patch panel standard and is used for asset inserting or populating patch panels in drawings. The block you reference can be either a unit block or a full-scale block.

    Telecom Contained Tables: Specifies the type of devices that patch panels of this standard should contain. Choose Panel Ports or Positions.

    Std. Hierarchy Level: Select the telecom hierarchy level for the standard. If a particular patch panel item does not have the assigned standard’s telecom hierarchy level, you can enter this information in the corresponding field of the item’s record in the Patch Panel's table. The program looks first to the inventory record and then to the assigned standard’s record for this information.

    Number of Contained Positions: Use this field to specify the maximum number of positions that patch panels of this standard can hold.

    Vendor: Code: Select the vendor for this type of patch panel. This is a validated field. You can enter data for your vendors in Web Central applications, such as Reservations. For more information, search for the topic Defining Vendors.

  5. Click Save.