Using the Depreciation process, you calculate depreciation for tagged furniture and equipment inventories, and generate reports that analyze asset financial information. For each furniture and equipment item, you can check its current value, depreciation cost for particular periods, and accumulated depreciation.
In order to generate depreciation data for an asset, you must associate a depreciation method and a depreciation period with the asset. Rather than assign this information to each asset, you develop depreciation property types that define depreciation methods and periods, and then assign a depreciation property type to each tagged furniture and equipment asset.
From Web Central, you use Web forms to develop and update your depreciation data, such as depreciation logs and depreciation property types, and to assign property types to your furniture and equipment assets. These Web forms includes drill-down selection lists and the Smart Search console to facilitate locating specific equipment and tagged furniture records.
The Smart Client provides grid views for these same tasks. Grid views are the most efficient way to work when performing bulk data entry or updates.
The procedures are applicable to both the Smart Client and Web Central.
The process of tracking depreciation includes the following steps:
See Edit Equipment and Property Type and Edit Furniture and Property Type.
See Also