Capital Project Management / Condition Assessment / Business Process Owner
Environmental & Risk Management / Environmental Sustainability / Business Process Owner

Assessment Projects

Organizing assessment work by independent projects allows you to collect and summarize data based on locations, time periods, functional areas, or events. Data from multiple assessment projects can then be viewed together in the Condition Assessment Scoreboard or the Environmental Sustainability Assessment Scoreboard to provide a complete condition assessment or sustainability assessment picture for the entire organization.

You can run assessments annually or quarterly and create a new project for each assessment. You can also use projects to group assessments based on what will be audited. For example, condition assessment projects might be organized by:


To develop an assessment project:

  1. Run the Business Process Owner/Define Project task.
  2. Fields for defining the project will appear in the right pane. Complete the fields as follows:



Activity Project Name

Enter a descriptive name for this assessment project. You may want to include the date in this value, such as BUILDING EXTERIORS JUNE2010.

Project Description

Describe what this project involves, expanding on the project name.

Project Type

The system sets this value. Do not change it. For Condition Assessment, the default value is ASSESSMENT. For Environmental Sustainability Assessment, the default value is ASSESSMENT-ENVIRONMENTAL.

Project Status 

As you work on the project, you can record your progress by completing this field with values such as: CREATED, REQUESTED, REJECTED, APPROVED, IN PROCESS, IN PROCESS/ON HOLD, STOPPED, CANCELED, COMPLETED. You will want to check the status of the assessment items assigned to this project before changing the status of the project.

If you are using the Assessment mobile app, note that assessment items appear on the field assessor's mobile device only for projects whose Project Status is IN PROCESS.

Date - Requested Start

Enter the date that this project will start.

Date - Requested End  

When first creating a project, you can enter the date when you expect this project to be complete. If you are not sure, you can leave this field empty.


Enter the name of the person who is the contact for this project. For information on developing project contacts, see Facility Background Data