Capital Project Management / Condition Assessment / Business Process Owner
Environmental & Risk Management / Environmental Sustainability / Business Process Owner

Facility Background Data for Assessment Applications

Typically, a business process owner develops and maintains background data required for working with the Condition Assessment and Environmental Sustainability Assessment applications. This includes defining such information as the space hierarchy, equipment, and contacts. If you work with other ARCHIBUS applications, you might have already developed much of this data. You can use the tasks of the Background Data process to edit or add to this basic data.

For all the background data tasks, drill down through the Process Navigator to select one of the following:

Define Contacts

As you manage the assessment items that must be addressed, you will likely work with inspectors, outside vendors, contractors, and so forth. Use this task to enter basic information about the parties you will be in touch with during the assessment process. Note that the Contacts table is used with other ARCHIBUS applications and may already contain data.

  1. Select the Define Contacts task.
  2. To edit an existing contact, select it from the list and its values appear in the right frame. Or, click Add New to enter a new contact.

Define Locations and Room Standards

If you have worked with other ARCHIBUS applications, you might already have developed the basic location (site, building, floor, and room) data. If so, you can add to or edit this data as necessary.

If you have not yet developed this data, you can do so from the Define Locations task.

Drill down through sites, buildings, floors, and rooms to find the appropriate record to edit; or drill down to the appropriate level and then create new records using the Add New button. For example, to add a new room to the 17th floor of building HQ, drill down through the Market site, HQ building, 17th floor, and then choose Add New/Room. Your room will be added to this floor.

For details on completing the fields of the space hierarchy, see Defining Locations and Defining Rooms.

If you wish to track assessments according to the type of rooms, you can develop Room Standards, which hold definitions of the various types of rooms in your facility. See Define Room Standards.

Define Equipment and Equipment Standards

Your site's procedures may call for assessing the condition and sustainability of equipment in the facility. If so, your inspectors will need a list of the equipment to examine. Use the Define Equipment task to edit your existing inventory of equipment, or, if necessary create an equipment inventory for the first time.

To edit an equipment item, you can select it from the left pane or search for it using the filter console. Once you select it, its values will appear in the right pane for editing. Move through the various tabs to define your equipment.

To add a new equipment item, choose Add New and move to the right pane to enter equipment information.

Note the table's Classification field. Assigning a classification to an equipment item is important for using the CSI Classification system with the Assessment applications. For information on defining classifications, see Defining Classifications for Assessment Items.

Because equipment is used by multiple ARCHIBUS applications, the Equipment table contains several fields. The fields are organized by a series of tabs; you can work through the tabs, but it is not important that all the equipment fields be defined in order to successfully work with the Assessment applications. For information on the various fields for equipment, see Equipment Table: Field Reference.

You have the option to enter equipment standards, which define the various types of equipment in your facility and validates the Equipment Standard field of the Equipment table. For information on the fields of the Equipment Standard table, see Equipment Standards Table: Field Reference.

Define Problem Descriptions

Use this table to enter a list of common problems by completing the Problem Desc. Code field with a unique value and the Problem Description memo field with a memo describing this problem. When inspectors report problems, they can automatically complete the Problem Description field with a descriptive memo from the memos stored in this table. This is useful for minimizing the typing required when requesting work.

You will want to provide your field assessors with these descriptions so that they can refer to them out in the field. From the Operational Reports process, you can load this Problem Descriptions report and then: