Capital Project Management / Commissioning / Construction

Assigned Commissioning Agent Checklists

In the field, the commissioning agent and general contractor coordinate with the construction project manager to perform field inspections and update the construction checklist for each piece of equipment. There are a few ways to do this:

Working from the Assigned Commissioning Agent Checklists task, the commissioning agent can do the following:

  1. The Commissioning agent performs the field assessment. This can be done by hard copy or with the ARCHIBUS Assessments mobile app.
  2. The commission agent works with the general contractor in the field to review commissioning assessment items.

Method A: Hard Copy

Step 1: Review and Print the Construction Checklist

To review the construction checklist:

  1. Select Edit in the row for the assessment item.

    The Edit Assessment Item form appears.

  2. Click the Show Document button next to the Document field.
  3. You can choose to save the checklist to your computer or to simply open it. If you save the checklist to your computer, you can connect to a printer to print a hard copy if needed.
  4. Open the document.
  5. Review and print the document if needed.

Step 2: Upload a Revised Checklist

The commissioning agent can take the hard-copy checklist and check off actions that meet the specification, and can add field notes as needed. The commissioning agent can then scan the completed checklist and check in the document to show the present status of the assessment.

To check in an updated version of the document:

  1. Select Edit in the row for the assessment item.

    The Edit Assessment Item form appears.

  2. Click the Check In New Version button next to the Document field to check in the revised checklist. See Using the Document Management System.
  3. Locate and select the document.
  4. Click OK.

Step 3: Updating the Assessment Item for the Construction Checklist

When you upload a revised checklist, you might also need to update information for the assessment item the checklist is associated with. See To update information for an assessment item for details on completing the assessment items.

Method B: Assessments Mobile App

The mobile user syncs their device to get a list of items to assess. In the field, they update each item. When through, they sync their device to upload this data to ARCHIBUS. For information on completing the records while in the field, see the below section.

Both Methods: Update information for an assessment item:

Note: The below procedure is written according to the interface of Web Central's task. If you are using a mobile device or tablet PC, you will experience a slightly different interface. However, you will complete the same fields as documented below.

  1. From the Assessment Items pane, select Edit in the row for the assessment item.

    The Edit Assessment Item Details form appears.

  2. Enter information, such as the following, to update information for the specific asset inspected.

    Classification Code: Enter the unique name for this classification element. This is typically a numeric value that reflects the classification’s position in the hierarchy. For examples of how the numeric values can reflect the hierarchy position, see the sample HQ database which ships with the CSI Uniformat classifications.

    Assessed By: Enter the name of the Commissioning Agent.

    Date Assessed: Enter the current or scheduled date to assess this item.

    Condition Priority: Choose a description of how important this problem is from a business standpoint. Values are listed according to increasing urgency. It is important to carefully consider this value because it is used to generate the condition rating of the item. See Updating Assessment Items for a description of the priorities you can select.

    Condition Value: Enter the current condition of the location or equipment. It is important to carefully consider this value because it is used to generate the condition rating of the item. See Updating Assessment Items for a description of the priorities you can select.

    Recommended Action: Enter the action that is needed to rectify any issues found in the condition assessment. Some sites do not have assessors complete this field during the condition assessment, but have other personnel determine the appropriate action once the condition assessment is returned. See Updating Assessment Items for a description of the priorities you can select.

    Document 1- 4: These are optional fields to attach documents that support your commissioning process.

    Cost Est. Baseline (exp.), Cost Est. Baseline (Cap.), Cost Actual (Expense), Cost Actual (Capital), and Cost to Replace. Optionally, you can enter these costs fields as part of your assessment.

  3. Click Save.


To facilitate data entry, you can update assessment items that you select with the same value:

  1. After selecting the project, from the Assessment Items pane, select the check boxes for the assessment items.
  2. Click Update Selected.

    The Update Selection to dialog appears.

  3. Select values for the following fields. These values will be applied to each of the assessment items selected.

    Condition Priority

    Condition Value

    Recommended Action


    Date to Perform

  4. Click OK.

    The records for each of the selected actions are updated with the values you entered.