The Documentation tab shows all construction documentation assigned to the selected equipment asset. You can use this task to review this documentation, or to ad additional documentation as needed.
You can also add an action item with a document attached. See Adding an Action Item with an Attached Document.
To review and add documents, graphics, and operational information for an equipment asset:
The Commissioning Documentation pane shows the documents added for this equipment asset.
Note: The Documentation tab contains fields that cannot be opened with the SHOW DOCUMENTATION controls because their AFM Type=Graphics: These fields are: Spec. Sheet Graphic, Wiring Diagram Graphic, Equip. Assembly Graphic, Lubrication Points Graphic. Due to current field data dictionary definition, these fields will not allow SHOW DOCUMENT functionality in Web Central.
You might to add an approved document from the commissioning process, so that it is available as a reference in the post-construction phase.
To add an action item for approved commissioning specification:
The Add Approved Commissioning Specification to Equipment form appears. The Add New Action tab is the active tab.
Action Title: Enter a unique identifier within the project for the action.
The Project Code: Select the commissioning project this action is associated with.
Action Type is set to CX - Construction Checklist, but you can change this as needed.
Date to Perform: Date you plan to begin the action. By default, this is set to the current date. Enter an estimated date if you are planning on tracking design schedules using the design Gantt chart.
Duration - Est. Design (Days): By default, this is set to 1 day, but enter an estimated value, so that you can track design schedules on the Gantt chart. The design schedule estimate is based on information that has been provided by architects, designers, and contractors who have analyzed a project's requirements.
Hours - Est. Design: By default, this is set to 0, but enter a value to indicate the number of person-hours this action will take. For example, if the action's Duration is two days, and two people will be working on this action for eight-hour days, then the person-hours for this action is 32 hours. The S-Curve analysis uses person-hours in its calulcations for work, so it is important to enter these hours if you are generating S-Curve charts.
Cost - Est. Design (Exp.) and Cost Est. Design (Cap): By default, these costs are set to 0.00, but enter an estimate if you want to compare estimated design costs to actual costs in the Project Analysis report. These design costs are provided by architects, designers, and contractors who have analyzed a project's requirements.
Work Package: If not already entered, select the work package for the action item. Although, not required to save the record, an action must be associated with a work package so that vendors can bid on it, and you can generate reports that show data for work packages. Working from Commissioning, during the Construction Phase, Commissioning Agents and Trade Contractors are able to see their designated work scope only by work package.
Action Item Status: Select the current status for the action. If you record Action Item Status, you can view reports that include this field, such as Action Status by Action Types on the Management Console Schedule tab. After you change the status from N/A, the action item can no longer be deleted; you can cancel it (if the status is Scheduled) or stop it (if the status is In Progress). When working from the Commissioning application, it is important to use the Approve Documentation action to approve the documents. This automatically updates the status to Approved. See Approving Documentation Action Items.
Project Phase: Select a Project Phase value, such as Design or Execution. For example, this is useful if you want to track the project at the Design phase or Execution phase level in the Project Analysis report. Or, when adding actions to work packages you can search for work packages by the Project Phase for the project with which the work package is associated. For more information on the Project Analysis report, see the Creating Management and Oversight Reports topic.
Work Breakdown Structure Code: A hierarchical structure that is used to organize tasks. For example, if a task is first in the outline of your project actions, then the outline number for that task is 1; the outline number for the first subtask under this task is 1.1.
Site Code/Building Code/Floor Code/Room Code: Select the location information for the work to be done.
Description: If needed, enter additional information for this action.
Approved By: Enter the person approving the action. When working from the Commissioning application, it is important to use the Approve Documentation action to approve action items for design submissions. See Approving Documentation Action Items.
Created By: This is a system-generated field that holds the name of the user who entered this action.
Problem Location Enter precisely where the problem exists, so that others following up on this item will be able to easily find the problem. For example, if you are assessing the condition of a room, you might enter "Back corner near window
Problem Type: Select the type of problem this action item is addressing.
Primary Trade Required: Select the type of craftsperson required to perform this work.
Date Required: Select the date this craftsperson is needed.
This action now appears in the Approved Commissioning specification task (Design process) as well as the View Equipment Commissioning Details task (Post-Construction process.)