Environmental & Risk Management / Environmental Health & Safety / EH&S - Background Data

Defining Safety Officers (Work Roles)

In order that a safety officer can be notified about the incidents entered into the system, particularly those entered by occasional users, you must define the personnel at your site that are considered to be safety officers.

Even if you don't take advantage of the notification feature, you may wish to establish safety officers so that you have personnel associated with buildings, sites, or properties. You can then search for incidents according to safety officer.

The Safety Officer Work Role

The Work Roles table automatically includes a record the Safety Officer work role, which cannot be deleted. You can examine this record by running the Define Work Roles task. However, you cannot use the Define Work Roles task to create new values in the Work Roles table because the notification system is established, at this time, to work with only the Safety Officer role; the system would ignore other values that you enter in this table.

With the system automatically providing the Safety Officer work role, you can assign employees to this role. To do so, run the Define Work Roles by Location task.

Assigning Employees as Safety Officers

The system automatically completes the Work Role value with Safety Officer. To establish an employee as a safety officers, choose an employee from the Employee Code list. You can optionally choose the Site, Property, or Building associated with this employee. For example, if Amy Smith is the safety officer for the entire Market site, you could complete the Site Code field. If she is associated with three particular buildings, you would complete three separate records for Amy Smith each with a specific building. If your site, property, or building has more than one safety officer, you can create a separate record for each location.

See Also

Incident Notification for Safety Officers