Environmental & Risk Management / Environmental Health & Safety / Documentation / Track EH&S Documents task

View a Library Document

Depending on your security settings, you may be allowed view and edit documents, or may be limited to only viewing documents.

To view a document in the library:

  1. In the Process Navigator, choose EH&S/ Documentation / Track EH&S  Documents.
  2. In the Filter pane, enter the search criteria for the document (author, type, document date, related incident, etc.). Click Show.
  3. The system lists documents matching the search criteria in the middle pane.

  4. To view a document click the View button next to the document's name.
  5. A pop-up window opens and displays the selected document in its native application (MS Word, Acrobat, Notepad, etc.).
  6. After viewing the document, close the pop-up window by exiting the native application or by clicking Close in the pop-up window.

See Also

The EH&S Document Library: Overview